Abhijeetsingh Meena
Abhijeetsingh Meena
Updated Notebooks from Chapter 5 to 10 (Excluding Some) and fixed compatibility issues with latest version of Python 3.9.
I'm working on updating the code for Chapter 4 to ensure compatibility with newer versions of Python and updated libraries. This issue will track the progress and changes made for...
I'm working on updating the code for Chapter 5 to ensure compatibility with newer versions of Python and updated libraries. This issue will track the progress and changes made for...
This issue is created for Ch4/09_Lime_RNN.ipynb Notebook.
This issue is created for Ch4/08_LimeDemo.ipynb Notebook.
I am trying to install newer version of autosklearn. During the installation of autosklearn dependencies it gives an error. The issue has been reported on the original repository few times...
I am trying to install newer version of LexNLP. During installation of dependencies of LexNLP, it gives an error ` ERROR: Failed building wheel for scikit-learn ` and `ERROR: Could...
The Notebook dies due to inactivity on Google Colab, when running cells which takes 30 minutes or more. Suspected reasons may be due to unstable internet connection of user or...