FCN-TensorFlow copied to clipboard
An Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks in Tensorflow.
Hi,I run FCN.py and got model.ckpt-2500.data-00000-of-00001... Is there a demo about how to use the trained model?Tks!
I have set the learn rate to 5e-7 and MAX_ITERATION to 100001, but it still does not work What should i do? Thanks!
您好: 首先很感谢您提供的注释和代码,因为我英文不是很好,我就直接用中文提问了,不好意思。。您在BatchDataSetReader,py文件里说要把annotations图片都扩充为3通道,但是你在FCN.py文件里申明的annotations的tf.placeholder那里申明的又是单通道。。这里是不是没有改正过来呢?还是怎么一回事。希望收到您的回复!!