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A curated set of lightweight but powerful tools for on-the-fly image processing and raster analysis in ArcGIS.
The hyperlinks for [MultidirectionalHillshade.pyd](https://github.com/Esri/raster-functions/blob/master/functions/MultidirectionalHillshade.pyd) and the accompanying [MultidirectionalHillshade.rft.xml](https://github.com/Esri/raster-functions/blob/master/templates/MultidirectionalHillshade.rft.xml) raster function template do not seem to be working: https://github.com/Esri/raster-functions/blob/master/README.md#multidirectional-hillshade
Hi, I have read the RasterFrames supervised machine learning on the page of "https://rasterframes.io/supervised-learning.html", now I would like to implement Deep Learning similar to “supervised machine learning”, such as "YOLO...
Hi, I'm seeing if you think this is possible. I want to create a raster function where I pass in a polygon and it returns the zonal stats average value...
The following link is dead: https://github.com/Esri/raster-functions/releases/download/v1.0-beta.1/python-extensions-1.0-beta.1.zip
We should develop a cloud filtering algorithm that uses [FMask](http://pythonfmask.org/en/latest/). There are some sensor specific capabilities out there that use FMask, such as [sentinel2-cloud-detector](https://github.com/sentinel-hub/sentinel2-cloud-detector)
For thoroughness, we should add ```try-except``` to the pixel percentile calculations
I am try to reference many Rasters to other rasters (Warb) using python code, But I feild, I need help. import arcpy i = 0 while i
To do: Add a section to the Wiki on writing image processing algorithms to process collections of imagery using the *Group Items By* capability in the RFT properties.
MultiDirectional Hill shade function add support for nodata handling
Updated the resampling Method