military-features-data copied to clipboard
APP6-B Equipment Mobility modifiers - some not drawing correctly
Testing the App6-B Equipment mobility modifiers on a ground equipment symbol, Runtime Symbol export tool gives some errors. Testing code combinations from "Table B-II. Symbol ID codes - size/mobility (cont'd)."(p. B4, B5) M - MOBILITY EQUIPMENT M F MOBILITY FIXED WING M H MOBILITY HELICOPTER M M MOBILITY MISSILE MO MOBILITY WHEELED/LIMITED CROSS COUNTRY MP MOBILITY CROSS COUNTRY MQ MOBILITY TRACKED MR MOBILITY WHEELED AND TRACKED COMBINATION MS MOBILITY TOWED MT MOBILITY RAIL S- MOBILITY SPACE
Most of the modifiers look right, some do not. Test: RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MO--- MOBILITY WHEELED/LIMITED CROSS COUNTRY RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MP--- MOBILITY CROSS COUNTRY RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MQ--- MOBILITY TRACKED RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MR--- MOBILITY WHEELED AND TRACKED COMBINATION RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MS--- MOBILITY TOWED RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MT--- MOBILITY RAIL RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---S---- MOBILITY SPACE RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MM--- MOBILITY MISSILE RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MH--- MOBILITY HELICOPTER RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---M---- MOBILITY EQUIPMENT RuntimeSymbolExport.exe app6b SFGPEWM---MF--- MOBILITY FIXED WING
Latest STYLX (3/19/18) and Runtime app on ArcGIS Runtime 100.2 This is the bat file to check these modifiers.
Mobility indicator chart from the standard:
I cannot seem to find the SIC code values for the "sled", "pack animal", and "amphibious" indicators. The ones I included in this issue are from table B-II in the APP6-B standard document.
(p. B-4 and B-5 (106-107 in PDF).
Any update on the issue? I am having the same problem
I see MOBILITY HELICOPTER, MOBILITY EQUIPMENT, and MOBILITY FIXED WING listed in the standard with a code but I haven't found a description of what the symbol is supposed to look like. These are not listed in the mobility chart. Without that I am not sure how to implement it.