arcgis-powershell-dsc copied to clipboard
"Access is denied" when running Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration
Community Note
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- Please do not leave "+1" or "me too" comments, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request
Module Version
- 4.0.0
Affected Resource(s)
- ArcGIS_Server
- ArcGIS_Portal
- ArcGIS_DataStore
- ArcGIS_WebAdaptor
Configuration Files
"AllNodes": [
"NodeName": "wcg-cube-age",
"Role": [
"DataStoreTypes": [
"ConfigData": {
"Version": "10.9.1",
"ServerContext": "hosting",
"PortalContext": "portal",
"ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer",
"DownloadSetups": false,
"DownloadPatches": false,
"Credentials": {
"ServiceAccount": {
"UserName": "svc-arcgis",
"Password": "<removed>"
"IsDomainAccount": false,
"IsMSAAccount": false
"UserName": "dsc_deployer",
"Password": "<removed>"
"Server": {
"LicenseFilePath": "D:\\Esri\\Licenses\\EsriZA_2022-2024_ArcGISGISServerAdvanced.ecp",
"Installer": {
"Path": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\ArcGIS_Server_Windows_1091_180041.exe",
"InstallDir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Server",
"InstallDirPython": "C:\\Python27",
"PatchesDir": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Patches_DSC\\Server",
"PatchInstallOrder": [
"EnableArcMapRuntime": "false",
"EnableDotnetSupport": "true"
"ServerDirectoriesRootLocation": "D:\\arcgis\\hosting\\directories",
"ConfigStoreLocation": "D:\\arcgis\\hosting\\config-store",
"LocalRepositoryPath": "D:\\arcgis\\hosting\\local",
"ServerLogsLocation": "D:\\arcgis\\hosting\\logs",
"PrimarySiteAdmin": {
"UserName": "siteadmin",
"Password": "<removed>"
"ExternalLoadBalancer": "wcg-cube-age.<removed>"
"Portal": {
"LicenseFilePath": "D:\\Temp\\Licenses\\EsriZA_2022-2024_ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal_1091_389587_20220722.json",
"Installer": {
"Path": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_1091_180052.exe",
"WebStylesPath": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_1091_180053.exe",
"InstallDir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Portal",
"ContentDir": "D:\\arcgis\\portal",
"PatchesDir": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Patches_DSC\\Portal",
"PatchInstallOrder": [
"PortalLicenseUserTypeId": "creatorUT",
"DefaultRoleForUser": "iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"DefaultUserLicenseTypeIdForUser": "viewerUT",
"EnableAutomaticAccountCreation": false,
"PortalAdministrator": {
"UserName": "portaladmin",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Password": "<removed>",
"SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
"SecurityAnswer": "<removed>"
"ExternalLoadBalancer": "wcg-cube-age.<removed>"
"DataStore": {
"ContentDirectoryLocation": "D:\\arcgis\\datastore",
"EnableFailoverOnPrimaryStop": false,
"EnablePointInTimeRecovery": false,
"Installer": {
"Path": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\ArcGIS_DataStore_Windows_1091_180054.exe",
"InstallDir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\DataStore",
"PatchesDir": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Patches_DSC\\Datastore",
"PatchInstallOrder": [
"WebAdaptor": {
"AdminAccessEnabled": true,
"Installer": {
"Path": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_for_Microsoft_IIS_1091_180055.exe",
"PatchesDir": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Patches_DSC\\Webadaptor",
"PatchInstallOrder": [
"WebSiteId": 1
"SQLServerClient": [
"Name": "Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",
"InstallerPath": "D:\\Esri\\Software\\Installs_DSC\\msodbcsql_17.8.1.1_x64.msi",
"ProductId": "7453C0F5-03D5-4412-BB8F-360574BE29AF",
Expected Behavior
The expected behaviour is for the script to execute and complete without any errors.
Actual Behavior
PS C:\Deployments\dpa_dsc\WCG-CUBE-AGE> Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile "C:\Deployments\dpa_dsc\WCG-CUBE-AGE\BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json" -Mode Install -DebugSwitch
Dot Sourcing the Configuration:- ArcGISInstall Starting DSC Job:- ArcGISInstall VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 0.032 seconds 2022/09/14 13:57:19: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' = SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'. 2022/09/14 13:57:24: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete. Trace-DSCJob : 2022/09/14 13:57:24: Access is denied. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.0\ArcGIS.psm1:261 char:5
Trace-DSCJob -Job $Job -JobName $ConfigurationName -DebugMode $De ...
- CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Trace-DSCJob
Logs Directory: C:\Deployments\dpa_dsc\WCG-CUBE-AGE\Logs Finished DSC Job:- ArcGISInstall. Time Taken - 00:00:05.0860640 ArcGISInstall - Failed
Steps to Reproduce
Run the Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration script
Important Factoids
- Non of the machines involved are on a Windows domain.
- The Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration script is getting executed from a Windows 11 machine.
- The target machine is a Windows Server 2022 machine.
- The install binaries are local on the target machine. Not via a network share or mapped derived.
- I have gone through all the other "Access denied" issues.
- The IPs, the FQDN, and the short server name are all in the TrustedHosts entry on both machines.
- I have attached the log files that get generated.
ArcGISInstall-2022-09-14-13-57-19-Error.txt ArcGISInstall-2022-09-14-13-57-19-Verbose.txt
I had the same problem and worked around it by running PowerShell as Administrator. Then, I ran Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration.
In my case, I was already using -Credential to pass in the credentials of a user who is in the local Administrators group on the server.
I had the same problem and worked around it by running PowerShell as Administrator. Then, I ran Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration.
In my case, I was already using -Credential to pass in the credentials of a user who is in the local Administrators group on the server.
I am running the PowerShell as administrator. Are your machines on a domain, and was the user you passed through also a domain user?
Yes, the computers are on a domain. No, the user is not a domain user. It is a local administrative account.
@vassilo Since the nodes are not on a domain, you may need to run powershell as a local administrator account (right click run as an administrator), and pass in a common local administrator account (create a local admin account on the orchestrating machine and target machine that contain the same username and password) for the -Credenital parameter.