ArcREST copied to clipboard
usercontent error:
I am trying to run the code to export the data from arcgis to my local PC using arcrest library but i get this error. Thanks
AttributeError: 'Content' object has no attribute 'usercontent'
ArcRest or ArcRestHelper
Version or date of download
Bug or Enhancement
Repo Steps or Enhancement details
Can you post your code so I can repo?
I have added the codes. I found this code online.
I have also tried the code available in this link ( But I can only get the meta-data.
Thank you
import uuid import os import time
itemID = "" username = "" pw = "" url = "" filePath = r""
Create security handler
shAGOL = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username, pw)
Connect to AGOL
org = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(url=url, securityHandler=shAGOL)
Grab the user's content (items)
content = org.content
usercontent = content.usercontent()
Create a export item with a random name using UUID
and export it to a zipfile
result = usercontent.exportItem(title="%s" % uuid.uuid4().get_hex(), itemId=itemID, exportFormat=exportDataAs, exportParameters=None)
exportedItemId = result['exportItemId'] jobId = result['jobId'] exportItem = content.item(itemId=exportedItemId)
Ensure the item is finished exporting before downloading
status = usercontent.status(itemId=exportedItemId, jobId=jobId, jobType="export")
while status['status'].lower() == "processing": time.sleep(3) status = usercontent.status(itemId=exportedItemId, jobId=jobId, jobType="export") filePath = exportItem.itemData(f="json", savePath=filePath)
Erase the exported item to clean up
usercontent.deleteItems( del exportItem print ('finishe!')
try this:
import uuid
import os
import time
import arcrest
import arcresthelper
itemID = ""
username = ""
pw = ""
url = ""
filePath = r""
exportDataAs = "CSV"
# Logic
# Create security handler
shAGOL = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username, pw)
# Connect to AGOL
admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(url=url, securityHandler=shAGOL)
content = admin.content
user = content.users.user()
result = user.exportItem(title="%s" % uuid.uuid4().get_hex(),
**Hi Mike, Thank you very much for your help. I have few questions regarding the above code:
Everytime i run the line "shAGOL = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username, pw)" I get the following. Is it normal?**
notificationsEnabled - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedExternalLinks - attribute not implemented in Portal class. vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery - attribute not implemented in Portal class. canSetCustomBuyLink - attribute not implemented in Portal class. eueiEnabled - attribute not implemented in Portal class. canSetQuestionnaire - attribute not implemented in Portal class. useVectorBasemaps - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedOrigins - attribute not implemented in Portal class. defaultVectorBasemap - attribute not implemented in Portal class. contentCategorySetsGroupQuery - attribute not implemented in Portal class. isVerified - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedRedirectUris - attribute not implemented in Portal class. notificationsEnabled - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedExternalLinks - attribute not implemented in Portal class. vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery - attribute not implemented in Portal class. canSetCustomBuyLink - attribute not implemented in Portal class. eueiEnabled - attribute not implemented in Portal class. canSetQuestionnaire - attribute not implemented in Portal class. useVectorBasemaps - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedOrigins - attribute not implemented in Portal class. defaultVectorBasemap - attribute not implemented in Portal class. contentCategorySetsGroupQuery - attribute not implemented in Portal class. isVerified - attribute not implemented in Portal class. allowedRedirectUris - attribute not implemented in Portal class.
Also I am still getting the error for "user=content.users.user(). The error message is below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
**Is there any library I am missing? Please help as I am stuck with this problem for long time.
Thank you for your time.**
i added ssl and managed to pass that stage. But when i run the last line of code that you have given i get nothing. I printed the result to show what is in the variable but i get this:
result = user.exportItem(title="%s" % uuid.uuid4().get_hex(),itemId=itemID,exportFormat=exportDataAs,exportParameters=None)
result <arcrest.manageorg._content.UserItem object at 0x000000000C7600B8> for a in result: ... print a ... groupDesignations - attribute not implemented in UserItem class. scoreCompleteness - attribute not implemented in UserItem class. [u'item', {u'itemType': u'file', u'proxyFilter': None, u'culture': u'english (united states)', u'owner': u'atadmin', u'guid': None, u'screenshots': [], u'id': u'923e54f7ca654e77be1388d17e60b0b5', u'size': 3670, u'appCategories': [], u'access': u'private', u'avgRating': 0, u'title': u'37dcd34138b14ac0b6a37cc881eb7017', u'groupDesignations': None, u'numRatings': 0, u'numComments': 0, u'snippet': None, u'listed': False, u'largeThumbnail': None, u'itemControl': u'admin', u'type': u'CSV Collection', u'thumbnail': None, u'uploaded': 1524500834000L, u'industries': [], u'numViews': 0, u'description': None, u'tags': [u'export'], u'typeKeywords': [u'CSV Collection'], u'extent': [[-180, -90], [180, 90]], u'scoreCompleteness': 16, u'banner': None, u'properties': None, u'categories': [], u'name': u'37dcd34138b14ac0b6a37cc881eb7017', u'licenseInfo': None, u'languages': [], u'url': None, u'lastModified': -1, u'documentation': None, u'modified': 1524500844000L, u'spatialReference': None, u'item': u'', u'protected': False, u'ownerFolder': None, u'accessInformation': None}] [u'sharing', {u'access': u'private', u'groups': []}]
great, it is working. export creates an item
But how can i get the data?
you should be able to download it from the resulting item/
If you want to get the data without creating an item, you could look at the createReplica sample
Can i have a sample to download from the resulting item please..
try this one?
Hi Mike, I took the export part from and added in the existing code. Finally it works. The code generated the zip file that contains 2 files (metadata.csv and surveydata.csv). Thank you very much for your time and help. I will upload the entire code so that others can also use it. Once again that you very much Mike. You are the true savior.
no problem. If you can, I would suggest moving your processes to the Python API for ArcGIS. ArcRest still has its value if you are stuck with python 2.x.
Hi Mike, The data in ArcGIS online has some images that does not appear in the csv file. I changed "exportDataAs = "CSV"" to "exportDataAs = "File Geodatabase"" and got the zip folder with goedatabase files. Is there a way I can save the data into MSSQL along with the image. Thank you
You mean maintaining attachments? Not sure, this is not an arcrest issue. You need to find the correct way to do this using the rest end point you are calling. Or look at another one like create replica
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid On Apr 24, 2018 4:22 AM, KumarSumith [email protected] wrote:
Hi Mike, The data in ArcGIS online has some images that does not appear in the csv file. I changed "exportDataAs = "CSV"" to "exportDataAs = "File Geodatabase"" and got the zip folder with goedatabase files. Is there a way I can save the data into MSSQL along with the image. Thank you
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