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Ability to 'Replace' Item and keep Feature Service ID.
ArcRest 3.5.3 Enhancement
I am working on a script to custom update a Survey123 xml form with updated choices lists from a SQL database.
After modifying the form based on the database, I cannot see a way to simply replace the xml file in AGOL and keep the same FSID.
The attached script adds a new form with the same name to the folder with a new FSID. I am attempting to use AddItem. Should I use UpdateItem?
from arcpy import AddMessage import os, arcrest
from syncForms1_listFormFSIDs import listFSIDs
formsFolder = r'C:\Users\sdelfavero\ArcGIS\My Survey Designs'
portalURL = ''
fsIDs = listFSIDs(formsFolder)[0]
fsIDs = {'Bear Patrols' : 'e0dd349f25134112af9677c7db38a683'} creds = {'user' : 'xxx', 'pw' : 'xxx'}
def msg(txt): print (txt) AddMessage(txt)
def listXMLs():
XMLs = {}
for pth, dirs, fNames in arcpy.da.Walk(formsFolder):
for fName in fNames:
if fName.endswith('.xml'):
x = os.path.join(pth, fName)
print x
XMLs[fName] = x
return XMLs
def createSecurityHH(): # create security dictionary object msg('\nCreating Security Handler') user = creds['user'] pw = creds['pw'] sh = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username=user, password=pw, org_url=portalURL) return sh
def replaceXML(sh, srv, xml, fsID):
portalAdmin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=sh)
content = portalAdmin.content
item1 = content.getItem(itemId=fsID)
users = content.users
user = users.user()
fldr = 'Survey-' + srv
user.currentFolder = fldr
itemParams = arcrest.manageorg.ItemParameter()
itemParams.title = srv
itemParams.type = "Form"
itemParams.overwrite = True
itemParams.typeKeywords = [u'Form', u'Survey123', u'xForm']
itemParams.thumbnail = xml.replace('.xml', '.png')
item = user.addItem(
filePath= xml,
print item.title + " created"
def replaceAllXMLs(): msg('Updating All Forms in ArcGIS Online') sh = createSecurityHH()
for srv in fsIDs:
fsID = fsIDs[srv]
xml = os.path.join(formsFolder, fsID, srv + '.xml')
print '\nReplacing: ' + srv
print ' ~FSID = ' + fsID
replaceXML(sh, srv, xml, fsID)
if name == 'main': replaceAllXMLs()
I have not looked into how the survey 123 configuration is stored. Can you break it down into the items that are required? I know there is a feature service, is there another item you are trying to update? The feature service includes domains, you probably would need to change them to update a picklist
@delfavero - Survey123 Form items are zip files, not XML. Aside form the xForm XML, it may also include CSV files for other choice lists / data lookups, images, audio. (though not necessary, it also includes the xlsx file as well). As it happens, we (the Survey123 team) are working on a script to enable this workflow (we're primarily looking to support CSV replacement, but it should be able to support the XML file as well, so long as it's been properly formatted).