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A Rust Implementation of the PLONK ZKP System and Extensions

Jellyfish cryptographic library

example workflow (version) GitHub


DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "as is" and its security has not been externally audited. Use at your own risk.


For general discussions on Jellyfish PLONK, please join our Discord channel.

Development environment setup

Install RUST

We recommend to use nix for installing the correct version of rust and additional libraries:

> curl -L | sh
> . ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/

Compiling the project for the first time

> nix-shell
> cargo build


To avoid manually activating the nix shell each time the direnv shell extension can be used to activate the environment when entering the local directory with the checkout of this repo. Note that direnv needs to be installed first, and to be hooked into the shell to function.

To allow direnv for this repo run

direnv allow

from within the local checkout of this repo.

Git Hooks

The pre-commit hooks are installed via the nix shell. To run them on all files use

> pre-commit run --all-files

Get start

> cargo run --release --example proof_of_exp

This is a simple example to prove and verify knowledge of exponent. It shows how one may compose a circuit, and then build a proof for the circuit.


> cargo test --release

Note that by default the release mode does not check integers overflow. In order to enforce this check run:

> ./scripts/

Test coverage

We use grcov for test coverage

> ./scripts/

Generate and read the documentation


> cargo doc --open

Code formatting

To format your code run

> cargo fmt

Updating non-cargo dependencies

To use the updates enter a new nix-shell.

Testing the nix-shell dev environment on other platforms

Refer to the nix/vagrant directory.



Currently, a benchmark for verifying Merkle paths is implemented. The additional flags allow using assembly implementation of square_in_place and mul_assign within arkworks:

> RUSTFLAGS='-Ctarget-cpu=native -Ctarget-feature=+bmi2,+adx' cargo bench --bench=merkle_path

PLONK proof generation/verification

For benchmark, run:


where N is the number of threads you want to use (N = 1 for single-thread).

A sample benchmark result is available under