keycaplendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
keycaplendar copied to clipboard

React app documenting current, future and past keycap GBs.


A web app documenting current, future and past keycap GBs, hosted at

KeycapLendar is built using React Typescript and SCSS for the frontend, and Firebase for the backend. It uses RMWC as a UI framework.

Appreciate what I do and want to support me? Check out my Ko-fi!


API documentation is available on Stoplight, created with the help of @jcsumlin. In order for an app to use it, an apiKey and apiSecret must be agreed upon with myself. I am available at eskimojo#0014 on Discord, or [email protected].


Site code is stored in /src, and is built by running npm run build in the root directory. It compiles into /build.

Firebase Functions code is stored in /functions/src, and is built by running npm run build within the /functions directory. It compiles into /functions/lib.

I tend to work alone when developing KeycapLendar, but on rare occasions I have worked with people when developing certain features.
