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Wellcore Beacons
I have a bunch of these Wellcore W912N beacons. I am not very fluent in BLE Packets and data...
The manufacturer is super unhelpful so after 6 years of having them, I started to investigate again how to read the data as I have 50+ of these devices in a box.
This parsing library is awesome, and I thought maybe I can post how the Wellcore beacons work should you want to add it to the ecosystem.
Example of Advertising Packet (using esphome+ble_gateway): 043E4402010001F3849D8F15E7380201061AFF4C000215FDA50693A4E24FB1AFCFC6EB076478252733DCB2C50C166E353101F7C000146100000C095747585F69426561636F6EC8
After this entire weekend I reverse engineered the data and found the following: There is this service uuid: 0x356e Providing the data: 0c166e353101f7c00014610000
After moving, heating and rotating a lot of times I grouped the data in this way:
0c166e3531 01f7c0 0014 61 0000
0c166e3531: Not sure what this is 01f7c0: Accelerometer Data [01(x) f7(y) c0(z)] 0014: Temperature Data 61: Battery Level 0000: Not sure
I added a file and is busy extracting the data in the format above. My question now is, due to a lack of knowledge of hex data and little indians and big indians etc... (yes I meant it as a joke)
1stly for Accelerometer data: The app (provided as an .apk file by the manufacturer) shows negative and positive values for accelerometer x,y,z - I guess that the value is maybe offset to convert single hex to neg + pos decimal?
2ndly for Temperature data: Converting the hex 14 to decimal does give the correct temperature, but how does negative decimals work in hex? Is that where the little and big endians come in?
Am I on the right track or is there perhaps a standard that I do not know about that could make all this easier?
Ahhh after reading through your code I found struct's unpack method....
Here is how to read Wellcore Beacons:
if packet_type == 0x16 and packet_size > 4: uuid16 = (packet[3] << 8) | packet[2]` if uuid16 == 0x356e: #raw example 0c166e35 3101f7c00014600000 print(packet[4:].hex()) ( unknown0, acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, temp, batt, unknown1, unknown2, ) = unpack(">BbbbhBBB", packet[4:]) result.update({ "raw": packet.hex(), "unknown0": unknown0, "acc_x": acc_x, "acc_y": acc_y, "acc_z": acc_z, "temp": temp, "batt": batt, "unknown1": unknown1, "unknown2": unknown2, })
Great. about the 0c166e3531: Not sure what this is
0c = length of the manufacturer specific data 16 = service data - 16 bit UUID (as defined by the Bluetooth org) 6e35 = 16 bit UUID (reversed, so the UUID = 356e, as you already found out) 31 = ?? don't know, could be a counter
Let me know if you need more help.