Gridcoin-tasks copied to clipboard
default option: start client at boot
- participation in staking
problems when making this as default:
- the wallet should be unlocked automatically, or it fails our intended purpose here
- Gridcoin's startup may slow down the startup, user gets annoyed, kills it, and then the blockchain or config file gets corrupted. And user can't start Gridcoin anymore
- I've no Windows, so I'm asking around so people can check if autostart actually works right now
- ideally on a fresh system, as a newbie would be
mentioned in hangout 2: 27:40
I believe that has been working on auto-startup scripts/methods on raspberry pi's.
Yes I have created the gridcoinresearchd as a service on a raspberry pi, this should work on any Linux distro that uses systemd. I will post some instructions tomorrow
I run Win 7 x64 Pro and even though the check-box in Settings is marked, I still have to start the Wallet manually. This is not an issue for me since I prefer having some measure of control over what executes at Start-up ... particularly when I am performing maintenance or trouble-shooting. I would recommend against Auto-Start as being the default for such reasons. A desktop icon with the appropriate properties should be good enough ... not that hard to remember to double-click an icon in Windows ;-)
The following will work on Linux that has systemd: ~ $ gridcoinresearchd stop
~ $ cd /etc/systemd/system
~ $ sudo nano gridcoinresearchd.service
Enter the following
[Unit] Description=Gridcoin daemon services After=tlp-init.service
CTRL+X, Y and Enter
~ $ sudo systemctl enable gridcoinresearchd.service
~ $ sudo systemctl start gridcoinresearchd.service
~ $ systemctl status gridcoinresearchd.service
Should output something like:
? gridcoinresearchd.service - Gridcoin daemon services Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/gridcoinresearchd.service; enabled) Active: active (exited) since Sat 2016-12-10 16:22:58 GMT; 20h ago Process: 409 ExecStart=/usr/bin/gridcoinresearchd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 409 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) CGroup: /system.slice/gridcoinresearchd.service +-613 /usr/bin/gridcoinresearchd
In top you should see gridcoinresearchd running with the process id in the last line (mine is 613)
The startup tick works fine with my linux system (opensuse 42.1)
Here are my 2 cents :
- The wallet should autostart at boot (with delay ?) if not encrypted or auto-unlock is setup
- It should be possible to setup auto-unlock through the wallet, and at the end of the wizard autostart should be proposed as an option. Thought ?
I guess auto unlock for staking could really be a checkbox, it's only generating a hash and auto adding it to gridcoinresearch.conf, someone smart can do that in the core wallet Im sure.
I added a delayed start for the Qt wallet in Windows Task Scheduler, again someone with enough smarts could probably automate that.
What is the point of encrypting your wallet if it unlocks automatically?
It only unlocks for staking, so you still have to fully unlock it to make any other transactions
Don't be fool. The "for staking only" is just a flag, that prevents signing non-PoS transactions. The wallet is basically unlocked.
This has nothing to do with autostart, this is a general security problem the users should be made aware of... but doesn't change the autostart thing. If the user accepts auto-unlock (with its problems) and autostart, then I don't see a problem as long as everything is made clear
Are we saying unlocking the wallet for staking is insecure?