
Results 18 comments of ErikOnBike

Not fully sure yet ;-). Could you try and replace the method with this one: ``` app "Answer the unique identifier (a Symbol) for the receiver" ^ #'Cmponent-Examples' ``` I...

Remember that Soelace-Examples works okay, but also ends with '-Examples'.

Maybe not every length. Could you try the following version? If this works, it is not perse the length. This is a version with the same length but different content....

Thx for helping out and testing these things out by the way! 🙏

Okay. So it seems this specific length is an issue. I'm investigating a little here. I will try to come back with some more tests if you're okay with that.

Could you give me the result of evaluating the following in a Playground? ``` #shell32 asFFILibrary calloutAPIClass ``` It should probably answer something like FFICalloutAPI or TFCalloutAPI. It is either...

Could you please evaluate/inspect the following? ``` TFUFFIDerivedTypeMarshallingTest new ffiLibrary: TFTestLibraryUsingSameThreadRunner ; pointerToString: 'http://localhost:8080/static/app.html?Component-Examples'. ``` Does it answer the correct (duplicated) String or does it also have random characters added?...

Have dug deep into the code (into primitives and generated FFI code), but can't find the location where things go wrong. My feeling is it has to do with the...