McuOnEclipseLibrary copied to clipboard
Library of McuOnEclipse components
This is the 'McuOnEclipseLibrary' or short 'McuLib': a scalable C/C++ library from the McuOnEclipse ( project. Some of the drivers are generated by Processor Expert for legacy reasons, but no Processor Expert is required to use the library.
- Generator: Processor Expert (NXP Kinetis Design Studio) project used to create some of the files.
- lib/src: driver source and interface files
- lib/config: driver configuration header files
- lib/fonts: graphical fonts used with the McuFontDisplay
Additionally following middleware is provided:
- lib\FatFS: FAT FS File System by Elm Chan
- lib\FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS port for ARM Cortex-M (M0, M4, M33, M7) and RISC-V
- lib\HD44780: library for the HD44780 character display see
- lib\LittlevGL: GUI library for microcontrollers and small LCD's
- lib\SEGGER_RTT: Port of the SEGGER RTT Library
- lib\SEGGER_Sysview: Port of the SEGGER SystemView Library
- lib\TraceRecorder: Port of the Percepio Tracealyzer library, see
- lib\minIni: INI file reading and writing, see
Make sure you follow my McuOnEclipse blog: for updates and new articles.
How to integrate the library
NEW: if you consider adding the McuLib to many Eclipse/MCUXpresso projects, consider using the PowerShell scripts written by 'urhano':
- download the repository zip file:
- place the 'lib' folder into your Eclipse project and rename it to 'McuLib'. You can use any other name, but then you need to change the include paths accordingly
- Make sure that the folder is included in the build (see
- Add the following paths to the compiler include settings (you might simply copy-paste them into the control): ../McuLib/config ../McuLib/config/fonts ../McuLib/fonts ../McuLib/src ../McuLib/FreeRTOS/Source/include ../McuLib/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F ../McuLib/SEGGER_RTT ../McuLib/SEGGER_Sysview ../McuLib/TraceRecorder ../McuLib/TraceRecorder/config ../McuLib/TraceRecorder/include ../McuLib/TraceRecorder/streamports/Jlink_RTT/include ../McuLib/HD44780 ../McuLib/minIni
- Disable or remove not used FreeRTOS ports, e.g. ../McuLib/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33 ../McuLib/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V
- If the project contains a hard fault handler: disable or remove it, as the McuLib comes with its own handler.
- Edit the McuLib/config/McuLibConfig.h header file which configures the library. Below the settings for the Kinetis (ARM Cortex-M4F with FPU) using the MCUXpresso SDK 2.5.0: #define McuLib_CONFIG_CPU_IS_ARM_CORTEX_M (1 || defined(__CORTEX_M)) #define McuLib_CONFIG_CPU_IS_KINETIS (1 && McuLib_CONFIG_CPU_IS_ARM_CORTEX_M) #define McuLib_CONFIG_CORTEX_M (4) #define McuLib_CONFIG_FPU_PRESENT (1 || (defined(__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT)==1)) #define McuLib_CONFIG_FPU_USED (1 || (defined(__FPU_USED) && (__FPU_USED)==1)) #define McuLib_CONFIG_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR 2 #define McuLib_CONFIG_SDK_VERSION_MINOR 5 #define McuLib_CONFIG_SDK_VERSION_BUILD 0 #define McuLib_CONFIG_SDK_VERSION_USED McuLib_CONFIG_SDK_MCUXPRESSO_2_0
How to use the Modules in the library
a) Include the Module header file: #include "McuWait.h"
b) Initialize the Module before using it: McuWait_Init(); /* initialize the module */
c) Use the Module: McuWait_Waitms(100); /* wait for 100 ms */
Enjoy! Erich