Eric Giguère
Eric Giguère
This won't be easy to fix, if the compilation is in the task, `parfor` cannot know about it to wait for it. The simplest would be to have only the...
Yes, there is no reason to keep both `parallel_map` and `parfor` in v5.
From what I understand, on intel, brmesolve seems to work correctly, but not on M1. This look like an issue with the eigensolver. Could you run the test suite to...
Internal note: `bloch_redfield_solve` quit without raising an error when ode integration fails.
Could you post a list of the failing tests. If the tensor is right, then the eigensolver seems to work fine. So the ODE solver could be the issue, but...
Good. Still, `brmrsolve` failing without raising an error is on us, I will close this PR when we fix that.
This fails because time only contain `0.5`. You probably meant `time.append(0.5*i)`. The error message is a catch-all for failure in scipy solver and certainly not clear.
Yes, we should catch any error before the ode solver when we can,
Is the last time a typo? It would work with `10`. but going from 7.5 to 1000 is too much work for one step. If you want the state after...
The `lindblad_dissipator` not being trace preserving when `b` is supplied is definitively strange and there is no tests for it being right when `a!=b` is certainly worrying. However I was...