Eric Giguère

Results 106 comments of Eric Giguère

Hi @soma2000-lang, Yes, it would be a great help.

It certainly look interesting. Fast diagonalisation of Liouvillian operators is certainly something we could make good use of. However we should wait for v5 of qutip. Some of the new...

You're right, the table listing the keyword does not show up in the final documentation and they are not up-to-date... You can find the keywords in QobjEvo's Docstring: `help(qutip.QobjEvo)`.

In the latest version, the `Qobj` should be reshaped to (8,8)... Could you send me your `mesolve` call and qutip version. In your case, my guess is that you have...

Most of it is already in qutip or in development: - We already have a progress bar. - We have feedback to support solvers where parameters are changed depending on...

Most of scipy's solver are not "thread-safe", but we will be able to use other solvers in the new version. We will be sure to add at least one which...

`general_stochastic` does not know about closed vs open system. It expect the state to be a vector. You need to change the input from a density matrix to a vector...

Hi Jake, Thank you for the guide, quite complete. If you have time, an explanation on what can be found where (core vs etc.) could be nice. I believe...

Hi @anonymousr007, This issue is still open and as far as I know, no one is working on it. If you want to have a go at it, please use...

In python `sum` start at `0`. So it's doing `(0 + qobj_list[0] + ...)` And `int + Qobj` is only defined for square `Qobj`. `sum(qobj_list[1:], start=qobj_list[0])` would work.