> OK, added. [apache/seatunnel-website#253]( I am sorry, I didn't express myself clearly. You need update the document ``
Hi, @rewerma , Can you help to review this pr?
It seems that different data types may have Bug that cannot be covered by test cases. Can you add more e2e case to cover them? Hi, @wu-a-ge , do you...
> @EricJoy2048 @zhilinli123 I may add this week Hi, Are there any updates on this PR?
Ok, I will close this pr.
> I think you need run `./mvnw -U -T 1C clean install -DskipTests -D"maven.test.skip"=true -D"maven.javadoc.skip"=true -D"checkstyle.skip"=true -D"license.skipAddThirdParty"` first.
Please fix conflicts
Hi, Are there any latest developments regarding this PR? At present, it has been at least two weeks without any new changes