eric weir
eric weir
Oops! my subject heading got cut short. It should finished "but doesn't display." A few days ago I encountered this problem. When I opened iVim all I got was a...
I got iVim running again without much difficulty. I said the .vim folder and .vimrc file were identical to those that were installed before encountering this difficult. However I discovered...
@#$&! ivim has gone dark on me again. The last command was :bd. ivim locked up. I don’t remember the command before that. I do remember the response, which was...
I used iplug to reinstall my plugins. So simple. Thanks, Terry. Unfortunately session-vim is still not running. Sorry, I can't provide clues that might be helpful in diagnosing the situation....
I haven't experienced this problem with `wiki.vim`. The problem I do have is giving wiki.vim access to external directories with the `:iexdir` command. I am able to do so with...
Thanks. I should probably just try this. But I have questions, the first being, will it take me to an external directory I’ve linked to with an :iexdir command? Second,...
On another note, I’m wondering about some folders/paths in iVim I discovered by accident, negotiating into the very topmost folders in netrw. E.g., if there I go into `~/library/ivim` I...
Apologies for the tardy response, suliveel. I have largely avoided ivim/vim for lack of a solution to this problem. I’ll have to figure out again how to install plugins under...
>You should use Vim8's builtin plugin management or iVim's iplug. Are they related? Does plug build on vim's built-in plugin? > Vim8's builtin plugin management is recommended for cross platform...
I found how to unlock iplug. (Might put a note about this in the reference manual.) Also found Vim Awesome, the answer to the third of my tangential questions. (Vim...