
Results 21 issues of Erfan

- [ ] Not capture inputs while window is not active/has no focus and apply to examples that use input to move camera around

help wanted
good first issue

## Description We need to implement support for subpasses for vulkan/gl/gles


This is a documentation of the vulkan objects that are part of `VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` we may want to expose and work with in Nabla. - Click on the links if I...


I believe It's the case where descriptorIndexing device extension is enabled and also ``physDevDescriptorIndexingFeatures.descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount`` is equal to `VK_TRUE` meaning you'd enable variable sized descriptor arrays for shaders. (must be the...


### Issue 1 - The Query count: The query count for PipelineStatistics need to be only 1 here. The result of our only 1 query will write to an...

Examples PR: * Improving Feature/Extension Selection and Report API * Maintenance and general plumbing ## Features and Extension API ### Priorities - [x] Enable features on Logical Device by...

## Description Right now Utility Upload/Download functions need `cull_frees` to be called before reseting the fence The reason for this is that streaming buffers `cull_frees` gets the fence statuses to...


## Problem Many device functions return a boolean to indicate a successful call to lower level api (Vulkan) function. But the return value is often ignored making it hard to...

help wanted
good first issue

- [ ] When you trap the circles with the mouse in the corners they start to behave radically.


- [ ] Somehow count is half the instance count - [ ] One or two pair of the circles behave differently when collided: Seems like they don't transfer momentum...
