
Results 23 comments of Erfan

> I presume there's an option to create a TLAS without any BLASes? Unfortunately I don't think so. >• VUID-VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR-type-03789 If type is VK_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE_TOP_LEVEL_KHR, the geometryType member of elements of...

> hmm but I've seen and heard of people tracing just the BLAS for maximum gains in static scenes in DXR/OptiX. > > So what do we do then, TLAS...

Additional Comments based on talk with @devshgraphicsprogramming - Pack buffers with similar usages together into seperate classes (same for images), new BufferAPI allows suballocating buffers from a big IDeviceMemoryAllocation -...

@deprilula28 Please put this on your TODO as Solution 3 which was the easiest at the moment was implemented

> Can you nuke implicit format conversions in Image loaders when they encounter R8_SRGB format ? Link to code please @devshgraphicsprogramming

> > > Can you nuke implicit format conversions in Image loaders when they encounter R8_SRGB format ? > > > > > > Link to code please @devshgraphicsprogramming >...

> My review here is complete, can you fix the Clang (Android CI) errors, they're all about templates I'll try