dockerized_nfs_server copied to clipboard
Dockerized NFS server - NFS server as a docker container
Dockerized NFS Server
Table of Contents
- Before you start
- Start Server
- Set your own exports
- Stop Server
- Troubleshoot & Debug
- General Info
Before you start
- This was originally created for the following purposes: development, testing and playground, as i develop locally on my pc without the need to have a real nfs server while on train or plane and without dirtying my pc with non-essential packages. I haven't tested it performance-wise nor using it in production.
- This nfs server is currently not secured and using docker
flag in order to allow mount NFS filesystem, export it as docker volume (also for use by other containers) and overcome security modules limitations (e.g. 'selinux', 'appArmor'..etc).
It can be run in more secured mode, if you'll handle those limitations by yourself and then start server by just running:
docker run -d --name mynfs --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN erezhorev/dockerized_nfs_server
for example, the following command will work on ubuntu overriding appArmor's docker policy:
docker run -d --name mynfs --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined erezhorev/dockerized_nfs_server
Start server
Activate the server by running the script
For your convenience, it can also be sourced (e.g. source
) which will set the environment variable MYNFSIP
with the server's ip.
Behind stage it will automatically pull the docker image from Docker hub and start the nfs server container named 'mynfs' with the default export point: /exports
(Docker internal run command: docker run -d --name mynfs --privileged erezhorev/dockerized_nfs_server
Set your own exports
Optional arguments are allowed and transformed to export points with the default export (/exports
) as their root base path.
Legal arguments form: share1 /share2 /some/share3 some/more/share4
. -
Arguments are allowed to include preceding Slash-'/' but its just the same as without it, each given argument transforms to an active export point under
example:share1 /share2
->/exports/share1 /exports/share2
Stop server
Run: (or docker stop mynfs ; docker rm mynfs
Note it also removes the server container with all its data!
To stop and preserve data, just run docker stop mynfs
Troubleshoot & Debug
Server's status
as it includes the following info:
export points, server's stdout and running processes.
Test mount
Run: mount -v -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049 [nfs server ip]:/exports/share1 /mnt/target_dir
Get inside container's shell
Run: docker exec -ti mynfs bash
And then, for example, you may run netstat -tl
to see if nfs is there.
Make sure native host kernel support nfs
Run: lsmod | grep nfsd
to see if the kernel module is there.
The nfs service of the docker container relies on the kernel of the native host to provide the kernel-level nfs support. If your nfs service is not up correctly, please make sure your native kernel does support nfs service.
General Info
- Based on ubuntu nfs-kernel-server.
- Current export point options are hard coded and consist of the following:
- Docker hub reference