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Game Hacking Tools for Java


Game Hacking Tools for Java


Geting started

just import ghTools.GH.



  • boolean getKeyDown(int key)

returns true if the key is pressed and false otherwise.

  • void sendKeyPress(int key)

simulate a full key press and release.

  • void sendKeyDown(int key)

simulate a key press.

  • void sendKeyUp(int key)

simulate a key release.

  • void setCursorPos(int x, int y)

set the position of the cursor to the specified position.

  • int[] getCursorPos()

returns an int array whit 2 elements. where the first element is the x-coordinate and the second value is the y-coordinate of the cursor.

  • void setGameCursorPos(int x, int y)

Same as setCursorPos but transforms the x and y relative to the conext of the game window instead of absulute values.

  • int[] getGameCursorPos()

Same as getCursorPos but the values are relative to the game window.

  • void leftClick()

Sends a full left mouse click.

  • void rightClick()

Sends a full right mouse click.

  • boolean openProcess(String windowName)

Open a handle to the process with this window name to be able to access its memory. Returns true if it was successful and false otherwise.

  • void setArchitecture(GHArchitecture architecture)

Used to set the architecture to the architecture of the game to use the correct pointer size.

  • long getObjectAddress(GHPointer staticMultiLevelPointer)

calculates the runtime address from the static pointer provided.

  • boolean isConnected()

Checks if the handle to the game is still open. Will return true if the handle is still open and false if its closed.

  • long getModuleBaseAddress()
  • long getModuleBaseAddress(String moduleName)
  • boolean readBit(long address, int position)

Used to read a single bit from memory. Return true if its 1 or false if its 0.

  • byte readByte(long address)

Returns the byte that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • short readShort(long address)

Returns the short that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • char readChar(long address)

Returns the char that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • int readInt(long address)

Returns the int that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • long readLong(long address)

Returns the long that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • float readFloat(long address)

Returns the float that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • double readDouble(long address)

Returns the double that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • readString(long address , int bytestoread)

Returns the String that can be found at the provided address in the memory.

  • byte[] readByteArray(long address, int bytesToRead)

Returns the byte[] that starts at the provided address with the provided length.

  • boolean writeBit(boolean data, long address, int position)

Write a single bit to memory (true for 1 and false for 0) to the specified position in the byte that can be found at the specified address. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeByte(byte data, long address)

Write a single byte to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeShort(short data, long address)

Write a short to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeChar(char data, long address)

Write a single char to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeInt(int data, long address)

Write an int to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeLong(long data, long address)

Write a long to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeFloat(float data, long address)

Write a float to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeDouble(double data, long address)

Write a double to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean writeString(long address,String string)

Write a String to the specified address in memory. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean write(byte[] data, long address)

Write a byte[] to memory starting at the provided address. Will return true if successful and false otherwise.

  • boolean sleep(int time)

Sleep method with exception handeling.

  • int getGamePID()

Returns the process ID of the currently opened process.

  • boolean isGameVisible()

Return true if the game window is visible and false otherwise.

  • int getGameHeight()

Returns the height of the game window in pixels.

  • int getGameWidth()

Returns the width of the game window in pixels.

  • int getGameXPos()

Returns the x-position of the upper left corner of the game window on the sreeen.

  • int getGameYPos()

Returns the y-position of the upper left corner of the game window on the sreeen.


Used to hold information about the static pointer and the offsets of a value.


  • GHPointer(long staticPointer, int ... offsets)


  • long getStaticPointer()
  • int[] getOffsets()

Getting started


for a more in depth example please have a look at the example hack i have provided.


  • Rake - for running and his great tutorials. Without him this repo would probably not exist.