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ImGui_WS copied to clipboard

Support Unreal Engine use ImGui and Draw on web page.


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Unreal ImGui_WS plugin provides the ability to display debugging information from the unreal engine on remote web pages and also supports packaged games. (e.g. standalone DS processes can use this debugger to preview in-game data visually)


  • ImGui webpage drawing
  • Local Slate panel rendering
  • UMG support
  • ImGui blueprint nodes (automatic scope management)
  • Unreal world debugger
    • Top view of the unreal world
    • Details panel
    • World outline view
    • Logging and console features
  • Panel layout system
  • ImPlot data visualization library
  • C++ RAII API

Learn how to use ImGui

Select ImGui_WS on the ImGui webpage and check ImGuiDemo to open the Demo panel For code viewing ImGuiDemo.cpp, refer to the widget drawing method required for copying the Demo panel imgui_manual demo web version

imgui_manual demo web version

Webpage drawing

Click the ImGui button in the lower right corner to open the corresponding webpage, or enter ImGui.WS.LaunchWeb in the console to open the webpage

ImGui_WS drawing is only enabled by default under the editor and the packaged DS or client adds ExecCmds="ImGui.WS.Enable 1" in the startup parameters to enable drawing

Switch world context

The previewed world can be selected through the world context option under the ImGui_WS menu

Port configuration

You can set the port number through Config or the command line

  1. Port number can be configured in ProjectSettings - Plugins - ImGui_WS

  2. File configured in ImGui_WS.ini


  3. Startup parameter configuration -ExecCmds="ImGui.WS.Port 8890"

Draw event

  1. Gets ImGuiContext by calling UImGui_WS_Manager::GetImGuiContext
  2. Function OnDraw draws the invoked event for the ImGui_WS drawing
  3. Bind this event to call ImGui to draw a specific panel

Draw Image

  1. UnrealImGui::FImGuiTextureHandle create texture handle
  2. Call UnrealImGui::UpdateTextureData update texture data
  3. Call ImGui::Image draw the texture
static UnrealImGui::FImGuiTextureHandle TextureHandle = []
    UTexture2D* Texture2D = LoadObject<UTexture2D>(nullptr, TEXT("/Engine/EditorResources/S_Actor"));
    // step 1
    const UnrealImGui::FImGuiTextureHandle Handle{ Texture2D };
    // step 2
    UnrealImGui::UpdateTextureData(Handle, UnrealImGui::ETextureFormat::RGB8, Texture2D);
    return Handle;
// step 3
ImGui::Image(TextureHandle, ImVec2{ 256.f, 256.f });

Local Slate Panel Rendering

Console variable ImGui.WS.LocalPanelMode <ELocalPanelMode> sets the local panel mode

  • 0: Draw on the current game viewport
  • 1: Open a separate window for rendering (desktop platforms only)
  • 2: Open a mergeable window for rendering (editor only)

Console commands

  • ImGui.WS.OpenPanel opens the local panel
  • ImGui.WS.ClosePanel closes the local panel

UMG Support

Added ImGuiPanel widget, expose the widget as a variable (Is Variable) and bind the OnImGuiTick drawing event

UMG Panel

ImGui Blueprint Nodes

Encapsulates most ImGui drawing functions for use in blueprints, and nodes automatically manage scope, no need to manually control Begin and End call pairing

ImGui BPNode

BPNode Result

World Debugger

World Debugger is the default runtime unreal world debugger provided by this plugin, which provides the function of previewing and setting Actor properties in the game world

You can configure the console variable ImGui.DebugGameWorld to control whether the debug panel is enabled. If you need to turn off this function when enabled by default, you can set ImGuiWorldDebuggerBootstrap:: bLaunchImGuiWorldDebugger = false in the game module StartupModule.

Top view of the unreal world

To avoid displaying too many unrelated Actors, the default preview will only display Actors drawn that inherit the UImGuiWorldDebuggerDrawerBase declaration.


Filter Actors by Type

After entering type:ClassPath in the FilterActor search box, only the Actor of the current type will be displayed in the map

Add the Actor type that needs to be visualized

Create a type that inherits from UImGuiWorldDebuggerDrawerBase

  • Add constructor
	// Declare the Actor types supported by the Drawer
	DrawActor = AShootWeaponBullet::StaticClass();
	// Drawn solid radius
	Radius = 10.f;
	// Painted color
	Color = FLinearColor::Red;
  • Rewrite functions such as DrawImGuiDebuggerExtendInfo to add extra debugging information drawing
void UShootWeaponBulletDrawer::DrawImGuiDebuggerExtendInfo(const AActor* Actor, const FImGuiWorldViewportContext& DebuggerContext) const
	const AShootWeaponBullet* Bullet = CastChecked<AShootWeaponBullet>(Actor);
	const FVector EndLocation = Bullet->GetActorLocation();
	const FVector StartLocation = EndLocation - Actor->GetVelocity() * DebuggerContext.DeltaSeconds;
	DebuggerContext.DrawLine(FVector2D{ StartLocation }, FVector2D{ EndLocation }, Color);

Add extra world information drawing

Inherit UImGuiWorldDebuggerViewportPanel and rewrite the following virtual functions

  • DrawDebugInfoUnderActors draws extra debugging information on the lower layer of Actors
  • DrawDebugInfoUpperActors draws extra debugging information on the upper layer of Actors

It is recommended to add a switch to debug information for each world to avoid displaying too many elements in the debugging world at the same time

// declare switch
uint8 bExampleToggle : 1;

// Add the menu option of whether to enable the switch in the implementation
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Example Menu"))
		bool Value = bExampleToggle;
		if (ImGui::Checkbox("Example Toggle", &Value))
			bShowGlobalLifeTime = Value;

// The switch is judged in the logic, and the debug information is drawn when it is turned on.

UObject Details Panel

All properties of the incoming UObject instance can be drawn, and multi-select editing is supported


For usage, please refer to UImGuiWorldDebuggerDetailsPanel::Draw

Add drawing methods of custom types

See how FStructCustomizerScoped is used

Panel layout System



  • Inherit UImGuiWorldDebuggerPanelBase to add a new panel to ImGuiWorldDebugger
  • Inherit UImGuiWorldDebuggerLayoutBase to add layout description to ImGuiWorldDebugger


UUnrealImGuiPanelBuilder is used to build the layout of its window, and the following parameters need to be configured

property describe
DockSpaceName the name of the layout system

After configuring the description information of the layout system, call the following methods to draw the panel

method describe
Register Register the layout system and call it when it is created
Unregister Unregister the layout system and call it when it is destroyed
DrawPanels Draw the panels under the layout system
LoadDefaultLayout Reload the activated layout

Add layout

Inherit the layout base class types supported under UUnrealImGuiPanelBuilder. For example, ImGuiWorldDebugger extended layout inherits UImGuiWorldDebuggerLayoutBase

  • Configure LayoutName. Unnamed layouts will not be displayed
  • implement LoadDefaultLayout to declare the default layout structure
  • implement ShouldCreateLayout to declare support owner

ImGuiWorldDebugger default layout example

The default layout divides the viewport into four areas

class UImGuiWorldDebuggerDefaultLayout : public UImGuiWorldDebuggerLayoutBase
	// Declare the DockId as the configuration when the panel registers the Dock
	enum EDockId
	void LoadDefaultLayout(UObject* Owner, const UUnrealImGuiPanelBuilder& LayoutBuilder) override;
	// Set layout name
	LayoutName = TEXT("Default");

void UImGuiWorldDebuggerDefaultLayout::LoadDefaultLayout(UObject* Owner, const UUnrealImGuiPanelBuilder& LayoutBuilder)
	const ImGuiID DockId = ImGui::DockBuilderAddNode(DockSpaceId, ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None);

	// Call DockBuilderSplitNode to divide the layout
	ImGuiID RemainAreaId;
	ImGuiID ViewportId = ImGui::DockBuilderSplitNode(DockSpaceId, ImGuiDir_Left, 0.7f, nullptr, &RemainAreaId);
	const ImGuiID UtilsId = ImGui::DockBuilderSplitNode(ViewportId, ImGuiDir_Down, 0.3f, nullptr, &ViewportId);
	const ImGuiID OutlinerId = ImGui::DockBuilderSplitNode(RemainAreaId, ImGuiDir_Up, 0.3f, nullptr, &RemainAreaId);
	const ImGuiID DetailsId = ImGui::DockBuilderSplitNode(RemainAreaId, ImGuiDir_Down, 0.7f, nullptr, &RemainAreaId);

	// Add a mapping relationship between the declared DockId and the actual ID of ImGui
	const TMap<int32, ImGuiID> DockIdMap
		{ Viewport, ViewportId },
		{ Outliner, OutlinerId },
		{ Details, DetailsId },
		{ Utils, UtilsId },
	// Subpanel application layout information
	ApplyPanelDockSettings(LayoutBuilder, DockIdMap, EDockId::Utils);


Add panel

Inherit the panel base class types supported under UUnrealImGuiPanelBuilder. For example, the ImGuiWorldDebugger extended panel inherits UImGuiWorldDebuggerPanelBase

  • Configure Title. Unnamed panels will not be registered
  • Configure DefaultDockSpace to add the position of the panel in the layout
  • Implement Draw to realize panel drawing
  • Implement ShouldCreatePanel to declare support owner (Optional)

ImGuiWorldDebuggerViewportPanel panel example

	// Declares that the menu bar needs to be displayed
	ImGuiWindowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar;
	// Set panel name
	Title = TEXT("Viewport");
	// The default position in the ImGuiWorldDebuggerDefaultLayout layout is Viewport
	DefaultDockSpace =
		{ UImGuiWorldDebuggerDefaultLayout::StaticClass()->GetFName(), UImGuiWorldDebuggerDefaultLayout::EDockId::Viewport }

Blueprint created panel need add in Project Settings - ImGui WS - Blueprint Panels

Viewport Extent

  • Inherit UUnrealImGuiViewportBase to declare viewport panel
  • Inherit UUnrealImGuiViewportExtentBase to declare viewport extent draw
    • Implement DrawViewportMenu draw menu
    • Implement DrawViewportContent draw viewport content element
    • Implement ShouldCreateExtent to declare support viewport type (optional)

Editor inline single panel

Menu Tools - ImGui Panels can open single ImGui Panel

Bubbling message prompt


Call ImGui::InsertNotification to use the global bubbling message prompt

Bubbling message

Record drawing data and playback (experimental)

Recording method

Start recording:

  • Menu->ImGui_WS->Start Record
  • Console input ImGui.WS.StartRecord

To end recording:

  • Menu->ImGui_WS->Stop Record
  • Console input ImGui.WS.StopRecord

Play back recorded data

Menu->ImGui_WS->Load Record, select the recorded file for review


Encapsulates ImGui API to support automatic scope management, include ImGuiEx.h header file to use the scope interface

// RAII style, no need for developers to worry about ImGui::End call
if (ImGui::FWindow Window{ "WindowName" })

// Equivalent ImGui default API, need to manage ImGui::End call
if (ImGui::Begin("WindowName"))
// Cannot be omitted, otherwise rendering will be incorrect


  • ImGui ImGui's repository, which contains ImGui's Wiki
  • imgui-ws Implemented ImGui web page drawing