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Convert MahjongSoul log into tenhou.net/6 format

= tensoul Equim https://github.com/Equim-chan[@Equim-chan]

Convert MahjongSoul log into tenhou.net/6 format.

CAUTION: It only works with standard games with common rules, like those in the ranked lobbies. For events or games with uncommon rules, it will be an undefined behavior and will not function.

== Usage === ACCESS_TOKEN Login the account on any server of MahjongSoul. When the main title is loaded, check GameMgr.Inst.access_token in the devtools console.

Set ACCESS_TOKEN and ENDPOINT. Check config.js for more info.

=== Run as a CLI [source,shell]

$ node . MAHJONG_SOUL_LOG_ID > tenhou_log.json

=== Run as an HTTP Server [source,shell]

$ node .

The API is GET /convert?id={mahjong_soul_log_id}