DayZ_SA_Epoch copied to clipboard
Vehicle Ownership
Don't do anything stupid. Make it simple where you use the existing key item in the game and if the key has not been registered for use (you can save this data in the actual item), when used on a vehicle for the first time the two will be paired. That key will then only work on that vehicle.
Or you can make it so a key can be registered for multiple vehicles and make a new item which allows cloning of keys.
Just don't add any fancy menu's for locking or unlocking a car which detracts from the game.
Also how about using the lockpick to unlock the car (1 time use) and another special item to hotwire the car? (1 time use)
How would you lock the car though ?
If the car doesn't have a key registered with it, it can then be linked to the car on first lock.
I prefer the Dayz Epoch key and lock method from arma 2, Please stay away from exiles method of car locking. Also a lock pick would be cool to be able to try to get into the car, you would just have to make them more rare than they currently are.
I've largely finished this system and it's the same physical key system as A2 DayZ Epoch. In addition I've added a way to rekey a lock from a template key so you can take ownership of a stolen vehicle if you have its key, or you can consolidate multiple vehicles to a single key (probably a bad idea).