webtodotxt copied to clipboard
Subdirectory deployment
Hello, with the changes in this PR i am able to deploy webtodotxt in a subpath, e.g. https://asdf.nextcloud.example.de/todotxt/
I implemented the changes in a way that the default values are not changed if there were no environment variables given.
This PR is going to fix #24
JFYI: Now, my docker command to deploy it like that is:
docker create --name $CONTAINERNAME -p 3006:9000 -e SECRET_KEY=supersecret -e AUTH_BACKEND=WebDavAuth -e STORAGE_BACKEND=WebDav -e TODO_FILE_PATH=/remote.php/webdav/todo.txt -e WEBDAV_HOST=https://asdf.nextcloud.example.de -e WEBTODOTXT_STATIC_URL_PATH=/todotxt-static -e WEBTODOTXT_FORCE_ROOT_URL=https://asdf.nextcloud.example.de/todotxt/ strubbl_webtodotxt
My nginx config looks like that:
location /todotxt-static {
rewrite /todotxt-static(/.*) https://asdf.nextcloud.example.de/todotxt/todotxt-static$1 break;
location /todotxt/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
@EpocDotFr what is your opinion about this PR? Are you going to merge it? Do you want me to change anything?