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New classes: sunshine, sunshine duration
Please add a class sunshine
definition Direct solar radiation not blocked by clouds
Please add a class sunshine duration
subclassOf duration
definition A duration quality inhering in a sunshine by virtue of the sunshine's magnitude of the temporal extent between the starting and ending point
other definition: Cumulative time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the sun of at least 120 watts per square
@celineaubert Sunlight term is equivalent to stellar radiation (class) or its instance Solar radiation (Individual). Further specification in definition, "not blocked by clouds", will require apt term.
sunshine duration
may be better suited in AgrO? ENVO doesn't seem to create terms for class quantities/measurements. The class may also be central to agricultural inputs(?) more than environmental processes. Let me know.
I think this is in scope for PECO:
@cmungall ''sunshine duration'' is different from the PECO class ''light exposure''. It is not a treatment done by human on a plant, it is the measure of time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the sun. It's a used to characterize the climate of sites.
@KrishnaTO as it is mainly used for meteorological and climate studies it should not be created in AgrO.
The definition of this measure has been stated by World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations: ''sunshine duration during a given period is defined as the sum of the time for which the direct solar irradiance exceeds 120 W m–2''. source: https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=3154
ExactSyn are ''sunshine hours'' and ''hours of sunshine''. It is never called ''stellar radiation duration'' nor ''solar radiation duration''
term created: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_09200022