p5-Statistics-NiceR copied to clipboard
∫ :bar_chart::star: interface to the R programming language <http://www.r-project.org/>
- See https://github.com/IRkernel/repr.
Creating a Data::Frame and sending it to R gives completely wrong values. This is probably something in the PDL API.
e.g., use the iris data and find a linear relationship between Sepal.Width and Sepal.Length. This will show how to 1. create a formula type 2. extract attributes from the lm...
- [ ] Create an R::Sexp::Environment package - [ ] Allow evaluating code / calling functions in an environment - [ ] Pass on roles from top-level R module
This means I just point at the data allocated by R.
or a PDL::Time class (number of days since epoch?)
- [ ] PDL::Complex - [ ] Math::Complex (in core) - [ ] Math::GSL::Complex