react-starter copied to clipboard
Enterwell's template for web apps based on the React and Next.js.
It's only c/p, nothing is different with AppRouter - previously maybe you could abstract layout and providers/contexts, but now you have layout as abstraction layer and page is just page...
` WARN deprecated [email protected]: no longer supported`
Following rules should be enforced in project: Current ```json "jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events": 0, "jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions": 0, "jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid": [ "error", { "components": [ "next/link" ], "specialLink": [ "hrefLeft", "hrefRight" ], "aspects": [ "invalidHref", "preferButton"...
We have abstraction layer with HttpService methods so we can replace existing implementation that is using Axios with fetch which will reduce bundle size and dependencies/number of update PRs.
I think escaping special chars in component content is good practice. ```json "react/no-unescaped-entities": 0, ``` Proposed: ```json "react/no-unescaped-entities": "error", ``` Can we vote on this?
Document that we are using Renovate to keep dependencies up to date. Add sections: - [ ] Configure Renovate using GH Actions - [ ] Configure Renovate using DevOps Pipelines
- [ ] publish same as we publish the app - [ ] document the URL
- configure renovate to update `stage` branch instead of main - this can then be used in forked projects
- [ ] Form component with example tests - [ ] List component with example tests - [ ] Modal with example tests (open modal, assert content is displayed correctly)
We should include at least example for using popular logging platforms: - [ ] Sentry - [ ] Azure App Insights - ... suggest others