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[Feature] State Priorities and Scope of APD page for MMIS APDs
Description and related issues
MMIS APDs are going to have a new page called State Priorities and Scope of APD
There will be 3 fields on this page.
Listed in order:
- Medicaid Program and Priorities
- Medicaid Enterprise System Introduction
- Scope of APD
These fields will have inline validation based on Admin Check and cannot be blank.
Note: Adding this page to the side nav is out of scope for this ticket. We will add all side nav changes into one ticket.
Mockups or link to Figma
https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=500%3A8747 https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=414%3A10804 (Page is on far right)
Acceptance criteria
Given | When | Then |
State Priorities and Scope of APD Page | On the page | Should have all the correct fields in the right order |
State Priorities and Scope of APD Page | Admin check is on | If field is blank, there should be validation error message under text box |
State Priorities and Scope of APD Page: Medicaid Program and Priorities field | Admin check is on | If field is blank, the validation error message should be: Provide Medicaid Program and Priorities |
State Priorities and Scope of APD Page: Medicaid Enterprise System Introduction field | Admin check is on | If field is blank, the validation error message should be: Provide a Medicaid Enterprise System Introduction |
State Priorities and Scope of APD Page: Scope of APD field | Admin check is on | If field is blank, the validation error message should be: Provide an Overview of the APD's Scope |
This task is done when…
- [ ] all acceptance criteria are met
- [ ] State Priorities and Scope of APD page has been created