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[Dev] Update backend for create new APD page
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Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=0%3A1
The addition of the new Create APD page comes with 2 new fields.
- Is this APD an update? section
- Medicaid Business Areas
Update the mongo schema with these fields.
Is this APD an update? (no subsection when "No, this is a new project" is selected):
Medicaid Business Areas:
Update the APD model to add something like:
apdType: ['HITECH IAPD', 'MMIS IAPD'],
isUpdate: ['annual update', 'as-needed update', null],
medicaidBusinessAreas: {
waiverSupportSystems: boolean,
assetVerificationSystem: boolean,
claimsProcessing: boolean,
decisionsSupportSystemDataWarehouse: boolean,
electronicVisitVerification: boolean,
epsManagedCareSystem: boolean,
financialManagement: boolean,
healthInformationExchange: boolean,
longTermServicesSupports: boolean,
memberManagement: boolean,
pbmPOS: boolean,
programIntegrity: boolean,
providerManagement: boolean,
thirdPartyLiability: boolean,
other: string
This task is done when...
- [ ] mongo schema has been updated
- [ ] create a mongoose migration
- [ ] all fields are saved correctly