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Tree data structure using Backbone Model and Collection

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Tree data structure using Backbone Model and Collection


in nodejs

install the node module

npm install backbone-tree-model

then use it in your app

var BackboneTreeModel = require('backbone-tree-modle');
var tree = new BackboneTreeModel(treeObject);

in browser

see test/index.html

just append reference to src/backbone.treemodel.js on your page after underscore and Backbone, then

var tree = new BackboneTreeModel(treeObject);


var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);

in browser AMD (using requirejs)

see test/amd.html

<script src="require.js"></script>
		paths: {
			jquery: 'path/to/jquery',
			backbone: 'path/to/backbone',
			underscore: 'path/to/underscore',
			treemodel: 'path/to/backbone.treemodel',
	define(['treemodel'], function(TreeModel) {
		var tree = new TreeModel(treeObject);


1. Initialize

var treeObject = {
	tagname: 'body',
	nodes: [
			id: 'sidebar',
			tagname: 'div',
			width: 300,
			nodes: [
				{ tagname: 'p' },
				{ tagname: 'span' }
			id: 'content',
			tagname: 'div',
			width: 600,
			nodes: [
				{ tagname: 'div' },
					tagname: 'p',
					nodes: [
							tagname: 'anchor',
							nodes: [
								{ tagname: 'span' }
var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);

2. Traversing Tree

tree.get('tagname');                                       // returns "body", `tree` is a backbone model
var nodes = tree.nodes();                                  // `nodes` is a backbone collection
var sidebar = nodes.first();                               // `sidebar` is a backbone model
sidebar.get('width');                                      // 300

tree.find('sidebar').next().id;                            // "content"
tree.find('content').prev().id;                            // "sidebar"

// node hierarchy
(sidebar.parent() === tree)                                // true
(sidebar.root() === tree)                                  // true
tree.isRoot();                                             // true
tree.contains(sidebar);                                    // true
sidebar.contains(tree);                                    // false

3. Special Search

var content = tree.find('content');                        // `find` returns unique node
var paragraphNode = tree.findWhere({tagname: 'p'});        // `findWhere` returns first match
var paragraphNodes = tree.where({tagname: 'p'});           // `where` returns all matches

// TreeModel nodes inherit from Backbone Models
content.get('tagname');                                    // "div"
content.where({ tagname: 'p'}).length;                     // 1
tree.where({ tagname: 'p' }).length;                       // 2

// Recursive-where for TreeCollection
var nodes = tree.nodes();
nodes.where({tagname: 'div'}).length;                      // 2
nodes.where({tagname: 'div'}, {deep: true}).length;        // 3

// Special mixed TreeModel node Array
var specialArray = tree.where({tagname: 'div'});           // Array with standard methods (push/pop/splice/etc.)
specialArray.length;                                       // 3
var array2 = specialArray.where({tagname: 'span'});        // has where method and returns special array
array2.length;                                             // 2

4. Adding Nodes

var sidebar = tree.find('sidebar');

// add single node
sidebar.where({tagname: 'p'}).length;                      // 1
sidebar.add({tagname: 'p'});                               // adds object to sidebar node
sidebar.where({tagname: 'p'}).length;                      // 2

// add array of objects
sidebar.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                   // 1
  { tagname: 'span'},
  { tagname: 'span'}
sidebar.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                   // 3

// adding a node to the left of the current node
sidebar.insertBefore({id: 'sidebar_left'});
sidebar.prev().id                                          // "sidebar_left"

// adding a node to the right of the current node
sidebar.insertAfter({id: 'sidebar_right'});                                          // "sidebar_right"

// adding or inserting other nodes in the tree will perform a "move"
var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);             // start over with original data
tree.find('content').add(tree.find('sidebar'));            // add existing node
tree.find('content').nodes().length;                       // 3
tree.find('sidebar').parent() == tree.find('content');     // true

5. Removing Nodes

var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);             // start over with original data
tree.find('wrapper').nodes().length;                       // 2
tree.find('sidebar').remove();                             // remove sidebar node
tree.find('wrapper').nodes().length;                       // 1
tree.find('wrapper').nodes().first().id;                   // "content"

var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);             // start over with original data
tree.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                      // 2
tree.remove({tagname: 'span'}, true);                      // remove first matched span
tree.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                      // 1

var tree = new Backbone.TreeModel(treeObject);             // start over with original data
tree.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                      // 2
tree.remove({tagname: 'span'});                            // remove all matched nodes
tree.where({tagname: 'span'}).length;                      // 0


Please ensure all current tests pass and write tests for new features.


You can run tests either on the browser or using the mocha command line tool.

For browser tests, open test/index.html or test/amd.html.

To run tests in the terminal

  1. npm install
  2. npm test