Waste-Management-Client copied to clipboard
- Keep it short and crisp - Plagiarism should be less than 5%
- Complaint Number - Dustbin Number - Date and Time - Location (Hostel/Campus) - Category - Description (About the complaint) - Photo - Status - Name of the person registering...
- When a client wishes to register a new complaint, they will get a complaint form. - Create a complaint form UI taking the below reference designs - [Design-1](https://dribbble.com/shots/15515180-Financial-Intermediary-Forms) -...
Please add the figma file link in the readme.md file for contributors to take reference of the website they will be building. Thanks
The blog should include - stats about the number of colleges and how much plastic wastes are generated - what steps have been taken by some colleges till now -...
- Add all the features list - Add future prospects - List down all the tech stacks and algorithms used - List down all the packages used in the project
Make creative posters regarding plastic usage awareness. Submission file should include either the design in png, jpeg or pdf format. If made the design using Figma then share the figma...
Make creative posters regarding plastic usage awareness. Submission file should include either the design in png, jpeg or pdf format. If made the design using Figma then share the figma...
design a section where the public can notify us with waste availability (this will help to reach maximum part of the public and create awareness among many. It will also...