ZXSpectrum copied to clipboard
Due to popular demand I have added my ZX Spectrum emulator
ZXSpectrum emulator written in C#
In this repo
In this repo, you will find:
- ZX Spectrum emulator written in C#.
- Blazor implementation of the emulator
Thanks you to much to my sponsors!
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When I was 7 years old I got my first computer, a ZX Spectrum.
I remember that I sat down, booted it up, and wrote:
10 PRINT "Jimmy"
20 GOTO 10
This was MY code!, I made the computer do things. That was the moment I decided I wanted to become a developer. You can find it here on Github (Firstapp.z80).
After becoming a developer I wanted to see if I could make an emulator written in C#. This has become my test project, the thing I try out all new technologies with. If you ever see me present, chances are that I will mention the ZX Spectrum.
The naming of the project might seem strange, I originally developed the emulator for Xbox so ZXBox made sense at the time.
I have chosen to keep the name think of is as a ZX(Spectrum) in an other box =).
I did a talk about Blazor at Microsoft Ignite 2019 where I demoed my ZX Spectrum emulator running on Blazor WebAssembly. After doing a talk on Blazor and Blutooth at Live Coders Conf, I got a lot of comments on my ZX Spectrum so I decided to publish it =)
You can find the Blazor implementation here http://zxbox.com .
I got a lot of amazing feedback and many wanted to see the code so I decided to share that as well.
There are still things left to do for example implementing sound (for Blazor) and support for more file formats.
It supports SNA and Z80-formats and you can connect an XBox gamepad to emulate Kempston Joystick.
Thanks to
Jessica Engström - For loving me and letting me have a storage room filled with old computers =D
Mikael Engström - For teaching me how to program
Mats Sjöblom - For explaining some of the internals in the ZX Spectrum
Rodnay Zaks - For writing the book I used to implement all the Z80 Assembler instructions.
Projects https://github.com/jsakamoto/Toolbelt.Blazor.Gamepad