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Commandbook conflicts with Clearlag
CMDBOOK-2436 - Reported by Dats_me
Commandbook 2.4 & 2.5 causes Clearlag -->KeepDeathDrop to stop working. ClearLag's auto clear and manual clear commands removes players deathdropped items. Disable Commandbook and it works correctly (does not delete death dropped items).
Versions tested and able to duplicate with: CommandBook v2.5-SNAPSHOT.1769-eb34539 CommandBook v2.4:1692-75bb1c8,master ClearLag v2.8.3 KeepDeathDrop v1.0.2
Comment by wizjany
i don't understand what the issue is.
Comment by Dats_me
Commandbook stops/prevents ClearLag from working. ClearLag normally clears items/entities from laying about like floating blocks discarded items etc. ClearLag KeepDeathDrops (Created by same person as part of ClearLag) prevents ClearLag from removing the players items that are dropped if they get killed. When CommandBook is running, the players item dropped if they get killed will get deleteted by Clearlag.
Comment by Dats_me
Since I deleted all the files for testing I went back into the game did a /setworldspawn command then to set the spawns backup when new players join I used the CommandBook command /setspawn and went back into the spawns.yml file and set the pitch and yaw so when the players spawn they spawn they are looking in the direction I want them to be looking. Now it is working correctly again! Weird!!! Somehow its CommandBook but I don't know how or why or if it reloads chunks when players were dying and respawned? shrug I really wish I knew what exactly happened and why that fixed it but hey it's fixed! It's going to take someone smarter than me to figure this one out!