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/enderchest /fly /speed /spawer /invsee /vanish /seen /spy
CMDBOOK-2128 - Reported by kahlilnc
/enderchest [playername] - Views players enderchest /lag - Like essentials lag system, tells you current tps and ram /fly - Creative like flying w/ out the creative /speed - alters minecraft flying speed. Doesn't effect speed going up and down /spawner [mob] - Change mob type of spawner /invsee [playername] - Look into a players inventory + Grab and take items
Maybe: /vanish - Simple vanish command that makes you disapear in game and on /list command like in essentials /seen [playername] - see when player was last on, ip info, other /spy - See all personal messages displayed in game /jump - Tp you to cursor location /top - TP you to highest point of location
Hope some of these get added! :D
Comment by sk89q
/jump is in WorldEdit.
Comment by kahlilnc
Argh lol derp
Comment by Dark_Arc
/lag = /debug info and /debug clock /top can also be achieved with WorldEdit's /asc [floors] command
Comment by Dark_Arc
In addition /seen = /whois
Comment by sk89q
/debug clock needs a refresh. I have a better one on my server that continually computes it, but maybe I was considering putting it in WorldGuard.
Comment by RustyDagger
the only one out of all that that would be remotely useful is the /invsee I hate having to add a plugin just for that, very useful for solving arguments.
Comment by ppandaa
I also think that the /enderchest command would be good to have, but indeed, you are right, the invsee command would also be very usefull!