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A C# source generator to create an enumeration class from an enum type. With this package, you can work on enums very, very fast without using reflection.

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The best Source Generator for working with enums in C#

A C# source generator to create an enumeration class from an enum type. With this package, you can work on enums very, very fast without using reflection.

Package - Supernova.Enum.Generators

Add the package to your application using

dotnet add package Supernova.Enum.Generators

Adding the package will automatically add a marker attribute, [EnumGenerator], to your project.

To use the generator, add the [EnumGenerator] attribute to an enum. For example:

public enum UserTypeTest
    [Display(Name = "مرد")]

    [Display(Name = "زن")]

    //[Display(Name = "نامشخص")]

This will generate a class called EnumNameEnumExtensions (UserTypeTest + EnumExtensions), which contains a number of helper methods. For example:

    public static class UserTypeTestEnumExtensions
        public static string ToStringFast(this UnitTests.UserTypeTest states)
            return states switch
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Men => nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Men),
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Women => nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Women),
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.None => nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.None),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(states), states, null)
        public static bool IsDefinedFast(UnitTests.UserTypeTest states)
            return states switch
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Men => true,
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Women => true,
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.None => true,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(states), states, null)
        public static bool IsDefinedFast(string states)
            return states switch
                nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Men) => true,
                nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Women) => true,
                nameof(UnitTests.UserTypeTest.None) => true,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(states), states, null)
        public static string ToDisplayFast(this UnitTests.UserTypeTest states)
            return states switch
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Men => "مرد",
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.Women => "زن",
                UnitTests.UserTypeTest.None => "None",
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(states), states, null)
        public static UnitTests.UserTypeTest[] GetValuesFast()
            return new[]
        public static string[] GetNamesFast()
            return new[]
        public static int GetLengthFast()
            return 3;


You do not see this file inside the project. But you can use it.


var stringEnum = UserTypeTest.Men.ToStringFast(); //Men;

var isDefined = UserTypeTestEnumExtensions.IsDefinedFast(UserType.Men); //true;

var displayEnum = UserTypeTest.Men.ToDisplayFast(); //مرد

var names = UserTypeTestEnumExtensions.GetNamesFast(); //string[]

var values = UserTypeTestEnumExtensions.GetValuesFast(); //UserType[]

var length = UserTypeTestEnumExtensions.GetLengthFast(); //3

If you had trouble using UserTypeTestEnumExtensions and the IDE did not recognize it. This is an IDE problem and you need to restart the IDE once.




Create an issue if you find a BUG or have a Suggestion or Question. If you want to develop this project :

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

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Supernova.Enum.Generators is Copyright © 2022 Mohsen Rajabi under the MIT License.