JTelegramBot copied to clipboard
JTelegramBot is a Java library that wraps Telegram Bot API with a simpler API using Builder design pattern
I got this error when I start the bot. When I implement the UpdateHandler myself, I got this error too. My code: ``` _bot = new JTelegramBot("HomeSweetHome", _apiKey, new SimpleUpdateHandler());...
Damn dudes! I'm struggling with the basics here. I have my bot as an admin in my [channel](http://t.me/Hello_Computer). I can talk to the bot using PMs, and it answers. Code...
# **UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "is_bot"** When I start the bot using ```bot.start();``` I get this Exception: (*I censored my data using "xxxxxxxxx"*) ``` com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "is_bot" (class io.fouad.jtb.core.beans.User), not...
Please, someone could give an example of how to implement the callback part, thank you very much
is it in maven central repository? thx
Fix in JTelegramBot bean and updated .jar
Fixed issue with CallbackQuery bean not having a certain field that is not optional. Was causing issues when receiving an update that was a callbackQuery (error 409). Jackson was unable...
onGetUpdatesFailure:Unrecognized field "all_members_are_administrators" (class io.fouad.jtb.core.beans.Chat), not marked as ignorable (6 known properties: "last_name", "username", "title", "type", "first_name", "id"]) at [Source: {"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":800563....