eneroth-solid-tools copied to clipboard
Extract methods
SolidOperations has become a very large class, with a lot of private methods that can be extracted to a library, such as Eneroth3/sketchup-community-lib.
Remember to re-enable RuboCop Metrics/ModuleLength if extracting these methods.
Methods already in cmty-lib:
- definition
- instance?
- transform_as_normal
- transpose
- wrapping_face
Methods that could be added to cmty-lib:
- uniq_points -> LGeom.purge_duplicates (or perhaps LArray.uniq_equals)
- within_face? -> LFace -> point_within?
- point_at_face -> LFace.arbitrary_point_within
Methods that could be moved to a SelectEntities class, specific to solid operations:
These are a bit too specific to this implementation to fit into the API of a public library.
- find_faces
- find_corresponding_faces
- find_coplanar_edges
- naked_edges
- find_mesh_geometry
purge redundant find_-prefix if doing so
Methods already in cmty-lib:
- icon_file_extension
Started extract-methods branch.