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:mag: An investigation into Jacob Appelbaum leaving the Tor Project
:negative_squared_cross_mark: :white_small_square: :white_medium_small_square: :white_medium_square: Jacob Appelbaum Leaves Tor :white_medium_square: :white_medium_small_square: :white_small_square: :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Jacob Appelbaum speaks at re:publica 2014 in Station-Berlin. Photo credit: DAVIDS/Gregor Fischer
:mag: An investigation into Jacob Appelbaum leaving the Tor Project | 2016 - 2022
Disclaimer: This is a place for me to collect evidence and news on the story. I am currently not personally or professionally involved with anyone from the Tor Project. I will source everything as thoroughly as possible; however, just because I include information or sources here does not mean I agree or disagree with it or them. I will only include information that is publicly available; any information that is given to me in confidence will not be published without the expressed consent of the sender. I do not condone the harassment of any individuals (accuser, accused, etc.) on the basis of information that is presented here. This repository is not published or represented, such as through "vanity" accounts, anywhere else online - any individual or media organization who republishes, mentions, or promotes this investigation repository is not in any way affiliated with me unless expressly stated otherwise here.
If you have questions, concerns, or information, feel free to contact me. Anything you send me, if it is not already publicly available, will not be published here without your consent. If you are okay with it being public, you can also open an Issue. If you're wondering why I'm using GitHub, read my documentation on revision-controlled journalism. I have received no compensation for this work.
I welcome & encourage you to contribute to this investigation by pull-requesting or forking this repository (CC-BY-4.0).
Media Mentions (Unaffiliated):
- Cypherpunks Mailing List: Wikileaks is the Endgame (archived)
- Berliner Gazette: Transformative Justice? Die problematische Rolle des Tor-Projekts... (English) (archived)
- Heise Online: Was war. Was wird. Stell dir vor, es ist hybrider Krieg, und wer zu Hause bleibt... (archived)
- Lage der Nation: Energiewende, JakeGate, Haftung für Software (archived)
- Reddit: Quick note (archived), Very good podcast (archived), Cryptome: Tor/Appelbaum Separation (archived)
- >b's blog: "Hier gibt es eine Zusammenfassung der Ereignisse rund um Tor und Jacob Applebaum" (archived)
Media Mentions (Research Attribution):
- ContraSpin: The Weaponising Of Social Part 2 (archived), The Weaponising of Social Part 3 (archived)
Media Mentions (Affiliated):
"Unaffiliated" is for individuals or media organizations who mention or republish the whole or parts of this repository, without asking for permission or comments. "Research Attribution" is for individuals or media organizations who mention or republish the whole or parts of this repository, approved after asking for permission or comments -- which is very much appreciated, but not required under the Attribution 4.0 International license of Creative Commons. "Affiliated" is for individuals or media organizations who mention or republish the whole or parts of this repository, which officially represent me or my views outside of what is presented in this repository.