It's the browser remembering the zoom you last used on that particular site you are referring. If you go to a site that you never visited before the zoom should...
The button only sets to 100% the open tabs, it doesn't modify any of firefox saved zoom preferences.
@sleek22 I think the problem is that. He tried the extension and tried to disabled/delete it but firefox still remembers the zoom you last used so he thinks the extension...
No deleting then :sweat_smile: I'll just rename it. Reading a little of Zoom Page WE code I think it does the same thing that I do, he gets all the...
Yes, it does have a database with urls and their corresponding zoom level, so I guess it does override stored settings. It works pretty much like this extension, why did...
Oh I see! I never imagine how others use it, if I had known about zoom page we I wouldn't even have bothered to make the extension because it does...