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cardano-serialization-lib copied to clipboard


Open lisicky opened this issue 10 months ago • 11 comments

Update Summary

1. Address Types:

  • Added network_id getter to Address types.
  • Introduced new address type: Malformed. Used when it's impossible to deserialize an address in structs where the address is a nested type.
  • New getter for address: kind(). Returns an enum with address type.
  • New getter for address: payment_cred(). Returns payment credential.
  • New function for address: is_malformed().

2. PlutusV3 Support:

  • Added PlutusV3 support in all Plutus-specific structures.

3. Token Handling:

  • Prohibited sending and minting of zero tokens.

4. New Certificates:

Added support for the following certificates (can be added via CertificatesBuilder):

  • CommitteeColdResign
  • CommitteeHotAuth
  • DrepDeregistration
  • DrepRegistration
  • DrepUpdate
  • StakeAndVoteDelegation
  • StakeRegistrationAndDelegation
  • StakeVoteRegistrationAndDelegation
  • VoteDelegation
  • VoteRegistrationAndDelegation

5. Reference Script Fee:

  • TransactionBuilderConfigBuilder: Added ref_script_coins_per_byte setter to account for new fees for reference script inputs.
  • PlutusScriptSource: Now requires an additional mandatory parameter for script size for reference inputs.

6. New Builder Types:

  • VotingBuilder: For participation in voting for governance actions.
  • VotingProposalBuilder: For proposing voting actions.
  • TransactionBuilder: Now has setters for these new builders.

7. Extended Coin Selection Functions:

TransactionBuilder has two new coin selection functions to account for change output and collateral return during fee estimation:

  • add_inputs_from_and_change: Considers change calculation; no need to call add_change_if_needed after it.
  • add_inputs_from_and_change_with_collateral_return: Considers change calculation and collateral return; no need to call add_change_if_needed after it.
    • NOTE: add_inputs_from_and_change_with_collateral_return doesn't perform coin selection for collateral inputs; you need to specify collateral inputs manually.

8. New Protocol Types for Governance-related Actions:

  • VotingProcedure: Vote for specific governance action proposal.
  • VotingProcedures: Collection of votes.
  • VotingProposal: Proposal of specific governance action.
  • VotingProposals: Collection of VotingProposal.
  • DRep: Abstraction of delegate representative; can be a credential or a predefined DRep type.
  • Voter: Abstraction of voter; can be DRep, SPO, or CC member.
  • GovernanceActionId: ID of governance action; tuple of (tx_hash, index_of_voting_proposal). Similar to tx input abstraction.
  • Anchor: Abstraction to specify off-chain data; tuple of URL and data hash.
  • Governance action types:
    • HardForkInitiationAction
    • InfoAction
    • NewConstitutionAction
    • NoConfidenceAction
    • ParameterChangeAction
    • TreasuryWithdrawalsAction
    • UpdateCommitteeAction

9. Serialization Improvement:

  • CSL now doesn't serialize empty collections for most witness types, in accordance with CDDL.

10. Set Behavior and Add Function:

The following types work as a set, and their add function returns a boolean. It returns true if the element is added and false if the element already exists in the collection. In the case of false, the size of the collection remains unchanged:

  • Credentials
  • Ed25519KeyHashes
  • Vkeywitnesses
  • VotingProposals
  • TransactionInputs
  • Certificates

Breaking Changes:

StakeCredential Renaming:

  • StakeCredential was renamed to Credential.
  • StakeCredKind was renamed to CredKind.
  • StakeCredentials was renamed to Credentials.

TransactionBody Struct Changes:

  • Removed: multiassets() due to its confusing naming.
  • Note: Use mint() to obtain information about minting in a transaction.

Fee Calculation Functions Changes:

  • Removed: All functions based on 'cons per word', aligning with the protocol's transition to 'coins per byte' in the Babbage era.
  • Replacement Guidelines:
    • Use new_coins_per_byte instead of the removed new_coins_per_word in DataCost.
    • In TransactionOutputAmountBuilder, switch to with_asset_and_min_required_coin_by_utxo_cost, as with_asset_and_min_required_coin is now removed.

ADA Requirement Function Updates:

  • Removed: min_ada_required due to its inability to account for full transaction output fields and reliance on the outdated coins per word parameter.
  • Replacement Guideline: Use min_ada_for_output.

TransactionBuilderConfigBuilder Adjustments:

  • Removed: coins_per_utxo_word.
  • Replacement Guideline: Use coins_per_utxo_byte.

NetworkInfo Simplification:

  • Removed: testnet() function, as the testnet has been replaced by testnet preprod and testnet preview.

Script Transaction Inputs Overhaul:

  • Removed: Functions like add_script_input, add_input, count_missing_input_scripts, add_required_script_input_witnesses, and add_required_plutus_input_scripts, used for adding script transaction inputs without a script witness.
  • Replacement Guideline:
    • For non-script inputs: Use add_regular_input, add_key_input, or add_bootstrap_input.
    • For script inputs: Use add_native_script_input or add_plutus_script_input.

PlutusScriptSource Enhancement:

  • Updated: new_ref_input in PlutusScriptSource now includes a language version argument, replacing the old new_ref_input.
  • Removed: new_ref_input_with_lang_ver because new_ref_input has the same functionality and no need for a specific function with a language version.
  • Changed: PlutusScriptSource.new_ref_input now requires script_size parameter to respect ref_script_coins_per_byte from protocol parameters and correct fee calculation from Conway era. You need also set ref_script_coins_per_byte via TransactionBuilderConfig to use it correctly.

Script Source Unification:

  • Updated: new_ref_input in NativeScriptSource now requires required_signers. To set it, use NativeScriptSource.set_required_signers.

Multiple Mints:

  • Updated: Mint.get() now returns MintsAssets type to respect key duplication in Mint field.
  • Replacement Guideline: Use MintsAssets instead of MintAssets.

Referenced Native Script:

  • Changed: TxInputsBuilder.add_native_script_input now requires NativeScriptSource to support referenced native script. Use NativeScriptSource::new to use NativeScript witness as before, and use NativeScriptSource::new_ref_input to use referenced native script.
  • Replacement Guideline: Use NativeScriptSource::new(NativeScript::new()) instead of NativeScript::new().

Duplicated Keys Support in Plutus Datum Maps:

  • Changed: PlutusMap.get returns an instance of PlutusMapValues, PlutusMap.insert accepts an instance of PlutusMapValues to support duplicated keys in a datum map.
  • Replacement Guideline: Use PlutusMapValues.add and then PlutusMap.insert or just use PlutusMap.add_value. PlutusMapValues has an accessor function PlutusMapValues.get() to get a specific value and PlutusMapValues.len() to get the total number of values.

Ref Script Fee Support:

  • Changed: TransitionBuilder now can throw an error during the building process if you are using reference inputs with a Plutus script. To avoid it, you need to use TransactionBuilderConfigBuilder.ref_script_coins_per_byte to specify ref script byte cost and have correct fee calculations. PlutusScriptSource.new_ref_input requires script size to have correct fee calculation.
  • Note: If you use CSL in a pre-Conway environment, you can set script size and ref_script_coins_per_byte to zero.

lisicky avatar Aug 11 '23 22:08 lisicky