Emran Ramezan

Results 11 comments of Emran Ramezan

Hi I am not sure if my issue is related to this, however I dont seem to be able to get Fig working when I am accessing a remote machine...

Yea I seem to get the same message in the console` [tsserver] /bin/sh: /usr/local/Cellar/node/17.4.0/bin/npm` the npm directory is /`usr/local/bin/npm `on my system. They were installed via brew. surely there is...

@grant0417 Thanks for the reply, I uninstalled and installed again, following the documentations from your website. I am still getting the version `2.15.0` on my ubuntu.. Is there a way...

Full blade support would be great... even a bit of a support would enhance things dramatically. Unfortunately none of the methods and properties receives any suggestions. An example is the...

Got me wondering if this LSP requires `phpactor` to be an active LSP for `php` files as a prerequisite? 🤔

Hey @haringsrob! Sorry for the late reply. So I decided to try the bare phpactor LSP itself for comparison to see if that would also give the similar error, returning...

I just hardcoded the `hoverProvider` in [registerCapabilties](https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools/blob/3dd6587800005bf2e57fda307b9eab3ff1a914ed/app/Lsp/Handlers/BladeComponentHandler.php#L57) as `true` and that error got cleared. ```json "hoverProvider" : true, "definitionProvider" : "Phpactor\\LanguageServerProtocol\\DefinitionClientCapabilities", "documentSymbolProvider" : "Phpactor\\LanguageServerProtocol\\DocumentSymbolClientCapabilities", ``` so [registerCapabilties](https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools/blob/3dd6587800005bf2e57fda307b9eab3ff1a914ed/app/Lsp/Handlers/BladeComponentHandler.php#L57) worth having a...

> Sorry for not getting back to you sooner @jasonplatts, I only ever had a partial solution and was hoping for an epiphany for a workaround. I've [filed a feature...

This is the same with blade files. for time being I would suggest not using the dash `-` in your fuzzy search only alphanumeric . I have been using this...

The spec for above tests were as it follows: - iMac 27inch Intel. - Ventura, penultimate version. - I do not have xcode installed but I do have "command line...