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Empire with Ngrok
How could I use Empire with Ngrok? I have a problem and my ports can not be opened. So what I need to know is how to use it with Ngrok, since it is something difficult ... I have tried the following things
set host http://tcp.0.ngrok.com:(port) set port (port) I return to place the command and the same ip, then I put the same port that gives me Ngrok but I give the payload to the victim and does not give the attack, could you help me? (In localhost if it worked for me)
Any reason you're using the TCP tunnel? an HTTP/S will work fine.
The Port option is what Empire listens on locally, not what it tells agents to connect to, so that may be the mistake.
If you curl
the ngrok endpoint (or visit it in a browser) do you get a return from Empire?