Empire copied to clipboard
Process injection(psinject not working)
Empire Version
- 2.5
OS Information (Linux flavor, Python version)
- Linux KaliLinuxVM 4.19.0-kali3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.20-1kali1 (2019-02-14) x86_64 GNU/Linux
- Python 2.7.16rc1
- Microsoft Windows 10 Education - Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063
- Powershell 5.1 - Build 15063 revision 1689
Expected behavior and description of the error, including any actions taken immediately prior to the error. The more detail the better.
Empire agent running as Administrator cannot inject into another process with psinject. Furthermore, if I try to obtain SYSTEM
it fails as well.
Screenshot of error, embedded text output, or Pastebin link to the error
Process injection
(Empire: stager/multi/launcher) > [*] Sending POWERSHELL stager (stage 1) to
[*] New agent 5HA8W4T6 checked in
[+] Initial agent 5HA8W4T6 from now active (Slack)
[*] Sending agent (stage 2) to 5HA8W4T6 at
(Empire: stager/multi/launcher) > agents
[*] Active agents:
Name La Internal IP Machine Name Username Process PID Delay Last Seen
---- -- ----------- ------------ -------- ------- --- ----- ---------
5HA8W4T6 ps DESKTOP-P8PBRLM *DESKTOP-P8PBRLM\Sherlo powershell 5768 5/0.0 2019-03-27 12:59:11
(Empire: agents) > interact 5HA8W4T6
(Empire: 5HA8W4T6) > psinject http80 explorer
\[*] Tasked 5HA8W4T6 to run TASK_CMD_JOB
[*] Agent 5HA8W4T6 tasked with task ID 1
[*] Tasked agent 5HA8W4T6 to run module powershell/management/psinject
(Empire: 5HA8W4T6) > [*] Agent 5HA8W4T6 returned results.
Job started: H6F8Y4
[*] Valid results returned by
(Empire: 5HA8W4T6) >
(Empire: 5HA8W4T6) > usemodule privesc/getsystem*
(Empire: powershell/privesc/getsystem) > execute
[>] Module is not opsec safe, run? [y/N] y
[*] Tasked 5HA8W4T6 to run TASK_CMD_WAIT
[*] Agent 5HA8W4T6 tasked with task ID 2
[*] Tasked agent 5HA8W4T6 to run module powershell/privesc/getsystem
(Empire: powershell/privesc/getsystem) > [*] Agent 5HA8W4T6 returned results.
error running command: Exception calling "GetMethod" with "1" argument(s): "Ambiguous match found."
[*] Valid results returned by
(Empire: powershell/privesc/getsystem) >
Any additional information
Empire HTTP listener - no encryption Defender is turned off on Windows
Started a Powershell instance as Administrator to execute the Empire multi/launcher
Fixed in 3.0-Beta branch(883ee661d1bbc72920102054e8bba00515bff9e0)