Emilio Cristalli
Emilio Cristalli
@mkhanal this is kind of a hack, but I think you can specify a prefix for the subject. Something like this: ```ruby ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception( error, env: request.env, email_prefix: "[#{error_support_code}] ", data:...
@PeterMozesMerl @zubru I think this is related to the order of the middlewares. Can you try using something like this? ``` Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions, ExceptionNotification::Rack, email: {...} ```
@jasonhazel doesn't Discord webhook require a special format? Looks like one of `content`, `file` or `embeds` is required https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook Not sure if we can achieve it with the webhook notifier...