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How to train the whole model in the right way?
How to train the whole model in the right way?
82:32- 86:55
How to train the whole model in the right way
How we go back to the unbroken model by full training?
- load the backup model
- learn.load('stage-1');
How to find the best learning rate?
- to find the fastest learning rate value
- learn.lr_find()
How to plot the result of learning rate finding?
- learn.recorder.plot()
how to read the learning rate plot?
- learn.unfreeze()
- learn.fit_one_cycle(2, max_lr=slice(1e-6,1e-4))
- how to find the lowest/fastes learning rate?
- find the lr value before loss get worse
- how to find the highest/slowest learning rate?
- 10x smaller than original learning rate
- how to give learning rate value to middle layers?
- distribute values equally to other middle layers
Why you can’t win Kaggle easily?
- many fastai alumni compete on Kaggle
- this is the first thing they will try out
目录 Lesson 1 知识点分解