Daniel Emaasit
Daniel Emaasit
@ericmjl I have broken this issue into two issues so they can be addressed separately. The issue for the IC50/EC50 model is here #22 So let's use this issue to...
What's a good email address to send you an invitation to the latex paper on overleaf?
@ericmjl Done!
@szhan It's never too late to contribute! Check out the contributing instructions: http://docs.pymc-learn.org/en/latest/develop.html
@jennybc That's right. The issue is two-fold. Firstly, internet usage is limited & quite costly if used for on-line learning. Secondly, since R is not taught in many Universities in...
@masalmon Was there a particular reason for the use of Stata in preference to R in your school in Barcelona?
@seankross That's a great initiative. Another popular language is Swahili, spoken in East & Central Africa. Although the language of instruction in schools in that region is English, natives prefer...
@benmarwick That's a great blog post!!!! Minicran is exactly what I have been looking for. I shall explore how it works and immediately recommend it to my friends back home.
@eamcvey & @hansthompson Great discussion thus far. I would like to jump in too. I was wondering if the public repo that @eamcvey planned to create was ready. You could...