Éloi Strée

Results 105 issues of Éloi Strée

# Let's go for a Quest in the wood. ## Objective: - Initier les participants à ce qu'est l'Oculus Quest; - Initier les participants à ce que peut être le...

- ALVR: https://github.com/polygraphene/ALVR/releases/tag/v2.4.0-alpha5 - Side Quest: https://github.com/the-expanse/SideQuest/releases - SteamVR: https://store.steampowered.com/steamvr?l=french - Adb Utility: https://mega.nz/#F!TLYU2ACZ!tnHWwkUZchU04DstunNUUA - Tutorial of the tool https://youtu.be/TJqpjwhUBKI - Real time edition: https://youtu.be/PD_MobYv7-o - Oculus Light: https://gitlab.com/eloistree/2019_07_23_OculusQuestLight/blob/master/OculusIntegrationLight.unitypackage More...

Tutorial Vuforia for Unity: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/getting-started-with-vuforia-in-unity.html#betas

# Objective - [x] Main: Work on the structure of a french virtual reality workshop for Technifutur Liège ## Done - Draft of the workshop: [Let's go for some Quests](../wiki/LetsGoForSomeQuestsInVirtualReality)


# Objective - [x] Main: Prepare the hackathon and Quest for the Hack In the wood - [x] Secondary: Work on the strucutre of conference I am going to do...


# Objective - [ ] Main: Start to work on the August workshop I have in my draft notes - [ ] Secondary: At least Push online the Guardian id...


# Objective - [x] Main: Try to see if I can connect my temperature sensor to Quest with Arduino #352 ## Done - Check that it is possible to send...
