Python-selenium-jenkins copied to clipboard
A sample repo to help you integrate Jenkins pipeline for Python-selenium on LambdaTest. Run your Python automation test scripts on Lambdatest.
How to integrate Jenkins pipeline for Python-selenium on LambdaTest
Jenkins Pipeline is also referred to as "Pipeline" offers a suite of plugins to help integrate your continuous delivery pipeline into Jenkins. Jenkins Pipeline does so with the help of Pipeline DSL(Domain Specific Language) syntax that facilitates easy modelling of even the most complex delivery pipeline.
You can easily create a Jenkins pipeline for Python-selenium automation tests on LambdaTest using the following steps. You can refer to sample test repo here.
Prerequisites For Configuring Jenkins Pipeline With LambdaTest
- Jenkins 2.X or greater version.
- A Jenkins User with root access.
- Ensure you have the Pipeline plugin, although, it is displayed under the "suggested plugins" during the post-installation setup of Jenkins.
- LambdaTest Authentication Credentials Be aware of your LambdaTest authentication credentials i.e. your LambdaTest username, access key and HubURL. You need to set them up as your environment variables. You can retrieve them from your LambdaTest automation dashboard by clicking on the key icon near the help button.
For Linux/Mac:
For Windows:
Setting Up Jenkins Pipeline
Find the code for setting up a pipeline for the sample Python-selenium repo.
withEnv(["LT_USERNAME=Your LambdaTest UserName",
"LT_ACCESS_KEY=Your LambdaTest Access Key",
echo env.LT_USERNAME
echo env.LT_ACCESS_KEY
stage('setup') {
// Get some code from a GitHub repository
git ''
//Download Tunnel Binary
sh "wget"
//Required if unzip is not installed
sh 'sudo apt-get install --no-act unzip'
sh 'unzip -o'
//Starting Tunnel Process
sh "./LT -user ${env.LT_USERNAME} -key ${env.LT_ACCESS_KEY} &"
sh "rm -rf"
catch (err){
echo err
stage('build') {
// Installing Dependencies
sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
stage('test') {
sh 'python'
catch (err){
echo err
stage('end') {
echo "Success"
You can now add this script when creating the pipeline by using the following steps:
- Create new pipleline
- Scroll down to Advanced Project Options.
- Paste the Code in the code pane or fetch it via SCM & hit the Save button.
Note: To run on the tunnel, Either you can use LT_TUNNEL Environment variable to set the tunnelling capability or you can pass in the code. Instructions on the tunnel are are available in the sample repo readme.