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Task 5: Filters

Open paulushub opened this issue 7 years ago • 6 comments

Implement filter support. The filter support in WPF 3.0 and 3.5 are software implemented and very slow and not usable in large documents. WPF 4.0 introduced hardware accelerated filter support.

This work item was migrated from CodePlex

CodePlex work item ID: '411' Vote count: '1'

paulushub avatar Nov 29 '17 02:11 paulushub

Missed feature for me :(

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Transforms to

    <DrawingGroup x:Name="DrawingLayer">
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Glory shadow become black hole %)

BlackGad avatar Feb 12 '20 11:02 BlackGad

@BlackGad I hear you, sorry for the delay in supporting this feature.

paulushub avatar Feb 13 '20 10:02 paulushub

@BlackGad I hear you, sorry for the delay in supporting this feature.

Anyway this is good library :) Hope it will not rest in silence.

BlackGad avatar Feb 13 '20 11:02 BlackGad

Anyway this is good library :) Hope it will not rest in silence.

Thank you. Yes, there is an on going work on it. The changes to the SDK-style projects, support for Scripting (based on Jint, which is still lacking) and the need to add UWP rendering projects (which do not support SDK-style project) brought some confusion on how best to manage the projects, resulting on current delay.

paulushub avatar Feb 14 '20 10:02 paulushub

Curious if there is an update on the plan to support filters?

qsc-jhndnn avatar Apr 12 '22 21:04 qsc-jhndnn

Curious if there is an update on the plan to support filters?

Nothing much in this direction. Sorry, I lost my day job because of the covid-19. Currently cycling through temporal contracts in Python and Java! No time to do .NET stuff, hope I will pick up again soon.

paulushub avatar Apr 12 '22 23:04 paulushub